
With the timeframe of this show so far, it could easily be 5 seasons before she gives birth. But I wholeheartedly agree; nothing ruins a show like a baby plot.

Now that you mention it, what's with the CIA angle? Are they casually lumping this show into the Sons of Anarchy universe where the CIA stomps on criminal investigations because they're busy supporting a particular cartel?

As someone on the spectrum who grew up in a deeply religious place, I think there's a certain degree of commonality when you talk about communities that have deliberately separated themselves from the world. For someone who grew up as a polygamist Mormon from Colorado City, AZ, or the Lev Tahor Haredi of Canada, or

I don't think he was unsuspecting at all. Just look at him in that last scene, terrified to follow her into the storage unit. The rational part of his brain knows exactly what's in store for him. His gonads have other ideas.

The swallows of Colma fly at midnight.

Hank can be Sonia's father, her boss, or a cop. He can't be all three at once. Him investigating her last hookup under colour of authority when he's trying to be her surrogate father is a massive overreach of both authorities, and it's wrong. The cops shouldn't get involved with every woman who has a

I'm thinking my speculation last week about her being a Cuauhtémoc Mennonite is probably accurate given the amount of emphasis put on her dress and so forth. I have a friend who grew up in that community. Seriously frightening people.


Good on Sonia for calling Hank out for trying to be her disapproving father. Bad on Hank for trying to play that part even after she called him on it.

Canada is the world's most bizarre combination of socially liberal and socially conservative.

Seriously. People think it was unrealistic that he'd follow a sex-promising Franka Potente? The only thing unrealistic is the idea that he wouldn't have had 11 seconds of awkward sex with her on that concrete floor.

You know what was funny? The Canadian media, who were perfectly blasé about his crack smoking, probable murder of Anthony Smith, and regularly aired his "fuck"-filled rants uncensored on the evening news, freaked out about the word "pussy", which has been bleeped in every reairing since.

"I can't decide if big fat blustery DEA guy is too silly or not."

I'm sure they concerned him (look how hesitant he was throughout the entire episode!), but if you're a 15-year-old boy, nothing wins out over the Little Emperor.

An intense, mysterious, creepy, frequently naked woman who looks like Franka Potente? For a male 15-year-old virgin, I don't think that's desperation. That's called being 15.

"Look, I have never been, nor will I ever be, a teenage boy but is
pubescent sexuality that much of a force to compel this kid to go on the
lam with a woman he only knows was once covered in human blood and has
tattoos to mark the metaphorical demons she’s encountered?"

You use regular HTML tags. < i > blah blah < / i >, without spaces.

Spock vs. Q, Shield edition. I'm down.

He'd be working for Blackwater right now, making thirty times what he did in the LAPD, and none of his torture and murder would cause so much as the slightest ripple among his colleagues. Really, I'm amazed the possibility didn't occur to him.

And much like in True Detective, the story of a tormented cop being an asshole to his family is beyond tedious to me. I generally hate home life plotlines to begin with, but this particular one is a trope to end all tropes, and I think the Cassidy character was a huge mistake that added next to nothing to the show