
Joelle Carter grew up in Georgia, just like Walton Goggins (though he does Kentucky better than she).

If you read the scripts online, the translations are usually in them, even if they never make it to air. That one, apparently, was "Does your mother let you talk to men?"

"It's how your children will commit credit card fraud on a massive scale, tovarishch."

Yeah, last week I thought for sure that Gaad was tapping Martha's phone.

Mimeograph machines, y'all.

So tonight's ep answered the question from last week of how Boyd got away with blowing up a guy in a hotel room: the hotel is owned by the Dixie Mafia. Logical that they'd want a place to do their business in private.

Just look at how much trouble C-Murder got into by not choosing something a little humbler like C-Manslaughter.

The other day I had someone 3 years younger than I overestimate my age by 10 years because I remembered who Johnny Carson was.

They do regularly trade one or two Israeli POWs for a thousand or more Palestinian prisoners — though that's when they can be seen to do so, and therefore prop up their government's credentials. (The released prisoners also usually remain in Palestinian territory, and can thus be rearrested whenever it's convenient.)

Don't I know it!

I always think of her as Clara Clayton from Back to the Future: Part III. But I suppose that's like me always thinking of Mickey Jones as Pete from Home Improvement.

You think she has the acting chops? This show has so underused her that I'm not really sure. (Remember what a blow it was for the Hannibal movie to downgrade from Jodie Foster to Julianne Moore.)

Yeah, if Wynn was worried about the cleaning charges on his bill from smoking in the hotel room, he might as well cancel that credit card right now.

When I saw him assembling the cigarette pack, I initially thought it was a wire. When I told my wife as much, she said — verbatim, I swear — "He's always been more the 'blowing shit up' type." And right she was.

I believe one of the New Frontier novels had a gay Vulcan pariah (who had sex outside of the pon farr).

At Tanagra.

Modern DC? Sure. Reagan-era DC? Yeah, not going to church would be suspicious.

Shin Bet is internal — think MI5, not MI6.