
I was thinking it might be the JDL.

Twist ending: Boyd retires from outlaw life and becomes governor of Minnesota. Wynn is his lieutenant. Dewey is the state mascot.

One of those leftover bits of French construction that crossed into English along with the vocabulary.

Durham County. Just sayin'.

Has the preview been put anywhere online for us poor Canadians/torrenters who don't get to see it?

I dunno, I think it's a lot easier to make a show with white protagonists from a non-religious and thoroughly defeated enemy state than it would be to make Muslim spies in the never-ending war on terror sympathetic to Americans. The power of the global left essentially ceased to exist overnight in the 90s, with much

Except in a nice little turnaround, this time Marlon's the one with fake neighbours watching him closely.

Scientific Atlanta can't protect you. FX can't protect you. The MPAA is everywhere.

Ahh, Tab. For when you want the taste of a CAT scan on the go.

Who doesn't like Inter Arma? I mean, sure, the plot is a direct ripoff of "The Spy Who Came In From The Cold", but that's pretty great source material to rip off.

This question bugs me occasionally (as I recall, Peter David's New Frontier novels had the position of "XO" commanding the night shift). If you're some race of marauding aliens that don't sleep, how long before you figure out that the Enterprise's A-team is all incapacitated for a third of the day while Lieutenant

That was the beginning of Claudia's story about how she met Viktor in last season's finale. But I agree.

God, yes. Her and Zhukov standing over two dead Nazis. Make this happen.

I made a comment a couple of weeks ago about how Claudia talked about meeting Zhukov at Stalingrad. I don't think most modern-day people from the West can even comprehend the kind of horror that the Eastern Front was, and the psychological effect it had on those who lived through it.

Now I want to see a flashback to when Claudia was Elizabeth's age and Helen was her ice-cold handler.

"Games Without Frontiers" has been stuck in my head since last season. Seriously.

The TWOP recaps referred to Avon's vegetative brother from Season 1 as "Revlon Barksdale".


I thought the order went: radio show, first books, BBC TV show, later books, death of Adams, movie. But it has been a while.

It's probably so underrated because most of the die-hard H2G2 fans have already seen the 80s BBC version, which despite a vastly lower budget managed to be far more faithful to the books, animation and all.