
"His God is too small!" Ann Druyan clearly recycled a lot of Contact for this show. Not that there's a damn thing wrong with that.

From my perspective, the scientists care far too much. Look at Bill Nye trying to have an actual debate with Ken Ham, as if he's some kind of rational being who operates on a logical plane of proof and disproof, all the while not realizing that his sole value to the god-botherers is as a fundraising tool.

He talked about Moses and Jesus as if they were historical figures. As an atheist Jacobin of sorts (see my username), I didn't see much in this episode that was hostile toward religion in general. The varieties of religion that consider opening your eyes to be a heretical act, yes. Most of the FOX audience probably

It's sad, but I think Tereglith is right. I watch Cosmos at least once a year, and every time since Twitter was invented, the first thing I think is "No one from our era would have sufficient patience to watch this show."

In Canada (where the show's aired on Global TV, which is sort of our equivalent to the Fox network but not Fox News), the Obama intro aired intact. It made me sad contemplating the fact that we'll never, ever see prime minister Stephen Harper introducing a science programme of any kind.

When did Jafar join the Inquisition?

While French isn't very difficult for an anglo on the global language scale (trying to learn Arabic has forever reset my difficulty scale), there are definitely some sticking points. The classic shibboleth is whether someone can successfully pronounce "Longueuil".

I'm sure it's different for people who lived through the 80s here. I moved here from the US when I was 17, and my wife grew up in a Middle Eastern refugee camp. Neither of us have ever had any trouble. For most (though definitely not all) people here, effort goes a long way.

Russian is kind of like certain varieties of AAVE. You can speak it without swearing, sure, but you're going to sound out of place.


Apparently cunnilingus is the final frontier for prudes all across the world. It's what got the NC-17 for Young Adam and half a dozen other films. In Canada, Rob Ford's copious usage of "fuck" was uncensored on the CBC, but when he talked about "eating pussy", that got bleeped and had a dozen city councillors up in

The French language usually helps us keep the worst of the worst away.

A much better defence than Rob Ford's, since, in fairness, the bitch did set him up. I bet he wishes now he'd thought of the "drunken stupor" bit, though.

Pregnancies are the laziest plot device on TV (looking at you, Homeland). We have a smart female character we can't think of anything to do with? Even if she's previously been established to use protection, let's knock her up!

As a Montrealer, I must officially object to the idea Montreal isn't an ideal location for a bachelor party.

Oh, whoops. Right you are.

Oh, you know you'd watch a Season 6 where a freshly retired Art joined forces with Boyd to bring Raylan down.

He was in prison for a goodly while. At least on the outside, the fatties won't be doing him.

It was an abortion! An abortion, Raylan! Just like Kentucky is an abortion! Something that's unholy and evil!