
It reminded me of the similar robot in Flight of the Navigator, which I assumed at the time was a gimmick they made up for the movie.

In retrospect, we really should've listened when they told us psychotic fundamentalists with anti-aircraft weaponry were bad news.

I was wondering the same thing. It looked like their property size quadrupled between seasons.

I want a T-shirt that reads "America can't protect you, Allah can't protect you, and the KGB is everywhere." If nothing else, it'd lead to original conversations at airport security.

The scene with the Taliban was quite interesting from a modern American perspective. If it were, say, "Homeland", a lot of people would probably be more willing to accept Carrie plugging an innocent busboy to cover up whacking a couple of them. In this show, his death seems more cruel to a lot of people — and Alan

The old Disqus was infinitely better, for one.

God, nuDisqus's already-painful interface becomes excruciating when a show is this popular.

They say "statutory" for a reason. Incidentally, in Louisiana the age of consent is 13 if you're married. Says a lot, doesn't it?

There is now.

We do not put red up on the board voluntarily!

He should've taken a page from the Bunk and burned his clothes in her bathtub.

A mental facility is different than a prison. To successfully forcibly medicate (or "chemical restraint", as they call it) a child in the midst of a full-blown breakdown without causing her serious injury, you need a lot of backup. Giving someone an IV is hard enough when they're being cooperative.

The impression I got was that it's all around the office by now (surely after he pulled that shit at the hospital 7 years ago) what kind of man he is, and that everyone there knows what's the most likely cause of him avoiding home for 3 days. So even if he doesn't literally smell like pussy, he metaphorically smells

Born there, as it happens.

If they're Louisiana State Police, their home base is Baton Rouge.

It's Louisiana. I can very easily imagine a "Christian" whorehouse where all sex is missionary.

The cable "rules" don't allow for them to show erect penises, labia, or any kind of penetration. Even HBO's sex shows blur out the penetrative moments. Blame Standards and Practices, but don't blame the shows for failing to come up with a good script moment in a dramatic series where a hot naked man and a hot naked

Next, can we get TWOP's Jacob Clifton off the case? Yes, we get it, your college boyfriend cheated on you with an atheist. There are literally no two things worse in the world than atheism and adultery. Now, stop giving every episode an A+ while you write it's the worst thing ever aired on TV, and let someone else

You know, it is okay to enjoy a three-way. Yes, even if you're female and the other two participants are male. Unless you've exchanged money for it, it doesn't make you a prostitute.

The fucking Olympics took a week out of my True Detective watching. I'm as aggrieved a party as anyone, here.