
I don't complain that much about foleys usually, but the ratchety revolver one is getting obnoxious. A while back Tennessee congressman Scott DesJarlais invoked it to try to claim he didn't dry-fire at his wife, claiming she'd just heard the clicking sound of him spinning the barrel. The sound that no revolver

I'm thinking perhaps that's a subtle sign he hasn't been using that truck in the past 10 years (we're all agreed he was undercover with the Tuttle movement in that time, right?). Even a white guy can't go that long in Louisiana without racking up an assload of citations — which would show up on the police computer,

Both of you have all my likes.

Thank you kindly, good sir.

Maybe they figure consensual sex with someone old enough to drive isn't a sign of moral turpitude, despite the fact the state of Louisiana disagrees. (It'd be completely legal where I live, and in Louisiana, it's legal if she's as young as 13 as long as you're married.

HBO Canada doesn't show the promos (actually, to be more specific, they only show them directly before the episode begins), because Canadians must suffer. Got a link somewhere?

IIRC, they kept the name "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland" for a few years after the Irish Free State separated.

Tell me about it. My wife grew up in the Persian Gulf. We live in Canada. The thermostat is a constant battleground.

On top of that, Mexico ("Estados Unidos Mexicanos") had to go and steal it from us.

Yeah, that annoyed me, especially since they used the real DC metro last year! I know it's a pain in the ass to shoot there, but the DC metro is so visually distinctive it really stands out.

This season has really fallen down on the nudity.

I've been following the last few weeks of True Detective with Lost Girl (though not anymore, since last night was the season finale). It's quite a contrast.

"This is very sloppy killing, Pinkman. Your tableaux are more Dexter than Hannibal!"

Something which just occurred to me is that Cohle is where he is in 1995 because he shot a suspect in cold blood for exactly the same reason (having seen him do something fucked-up to a child). Not sure if the Louisiana DA would give Marty the option of becoming an undercover instead of going to jail, though.

I'm thinking it's a Manson family-type setup, where Tuttle's church is an incubator for ritual cult murderers (and provided those kids in the truck to LeDoux and Weems), rather than there being only one specific killer.

I'm gonna have to come down on the side of Team S3 here.

Thank you!

Could you link the interview, please? I thought about that a couple of weeks back, but I wasn't sure if it was something the show would address or not (obviously Cohle didn't actually admit to anything, so it may end up moot).

What happened with Cohle's gun? Am I remembering wrong, or did he have a misfire/forget to jack a round/have a damaged firing pin or something? I remember him trying to shoot at Dewall and just hearing a click.

What's sad is that I know this is Delmore Schwartz, but I can't ever think of it in any context other than Star Trek Generations.