
Plus Vulcan has an ambassador to the Federation. Or was that just to Earth? We're never shown exactly how tightly the Federation worlds are integrated, but Kirk and crew are "in Vulcan exile" with their Bird of Prey at the beginning of IV, then voluntarily choose to return to Earth to face the music. No talk of

And how many people in this world are both sufficient Justified fans and too obsessed with speed-skating to record either one of them?

If Boyd dies, I will seriously consider not watching this show any more.

Depends how much trouble he was in. Federal prosecutors are usually far less interested in bringing charges against lawmen than against folks like Boyd.

Boyd Crowder's Book Club, tonight on OWN. Shut up and take my money.

It seems like the fighters are more prone to suicide than anyone else. Certainly more than the weasels like Wynn (and I mean that in the best possible way).

Can Hotrod cover "Burning Down the House" using only power tools? Can he?

He said the guy had gone to ground and couldn't be found, right? Does that mean he's under some kind of official witness protection, or has he just disappeared? Because if so, that makes the case against Ava a lot weaker — it just lost its only "respectable" witness, and without him around to lean on Ava's

I really hope we somehow don't lose Hotrod (he'll always be Pete Bilker from Home Improvement to me).

He smokes his cigarettes like joints. The guy must be constantly on the verge of nicotine poisoning.

Perfectly put. Like so many addicts, Rust needs the juice.

In fact, if one of your co-conspirators gets murdered (say, by the store clerk) in the course of that robbery, you're up for a felony murder charge in that case as well.

It's interesting how much you can read about people by which plotlines they respond most strongly to.

Avoyelles is a parish as well as a prison, so I initially heard it that way.

Homeland really irritates me in ways that the old Vancouver-for-LA substitutions don't, because I'm intimately familiar with both North Carolina and DC. NO, THAT IS NOT FARRAGUT SQUARE.

What put the biggest smile on my face was the hospital guy not backing down at the first flash of a badge. He asked precisely the right question — "Are you here in that capacity?" — in a manner that was both respectful and let Hart know that he knew exactly what the score was.

No indication yet that he's a veteran (and he would've been the wrong age to be in any major wars, unless you count Grenada), but he did grow up in Alaska, which is overflowing with military and ex-military types. He and his childhood friends probably played "secure the perimeter" instead of "capture the flag".

I'm going to watch every scene where he makes a figure out of a Lone Star with that in mind, now.

While watching that scene, I told my wife "This never would've happened if they'd brought Omar with them."

I believe last season set the all-time TV record for rapes per episode — most, but not all, of Kurt Sutter's character. No deep-seated issues there.