
Shelter Cat Update!

Same. Also isn’t that a really sad inspiration for a song? And does “last hurrah” as a phrase need to be explained? 

Farebeating is a problem! But sending a reporter to the subway to harass a bunch of teenagers is...not the way to solve it!

That extra $215 million doesn’t exist and it never will. The vast majority of people who jump turnstiles or sneak in through emergency exits either won’t or can’t afford to pay either way.

Can I ask with regards to Ari: why do we (as a culture) have such a short shelf life for these girls being “sweethearts” (for lack of a better term) before we have to tear them down almost immediately after? This always seems to happen (and this site in particularly is pretty egregious about it). Britney, Taylor, Katy

Not on United's Basic Economy or Spirit. I was literally seated in the middle event though the window seat was empty. If you are poor you get no choices 

If this is about hazarding a guess about this lady possibly being racist, I say her behaviour invites us all to go there.

The claustrophobia and discomfort is bad enough with the way they squish us in, but I am also extra anxious on airplanes because, although I make sure I am polite and don’t ask for anything special, it’s a rare flight where at some point a flight attendant doesn’t treat me like shit. And in front of my kids, to boot. I

I think that woman would be triggered by absolutely anything. This has nothing to do with the size of the seats and everything to do with her being an abusive garbage person who moves through life looking for any opportunity to degrade other people while feeling self-righteously aggrieved.

That woman is an asshole and most definitely a racist as well.

The party at fault here is United Airlines. Their 757s are configured to squeeze 6 passengers per row (3 -aisle- 3), when they really should fit 5 (2 -aisle- 3) - and now they’re cutting legroom by adding three rows. Everyone, fat or skinny, short or tall or anything in between is miserable, and moving millions of

Ellen Page is a delight and I appreciate her continually acknowledging her privilege and continually speaking up. The rise in hate crimes since November 2016 is no fucking coincidence.

NY Housewives is a gift that just keeps on giving. No other HW franchise can touch it.

The thing that gives New York an edge over OC is this geographical stereotype I cling to: New York is weird and intellectual and sarcastic; LA is full of blonde bimbos. Both make for entertaining shows, but (maybe as a semi-New Yorker and full-time East Coaster) I will always take RHONY over RHOC. The NY ladies are

I am so ready for this.  These Ho’s are my favorites.  They play the game but they don’t take it too seriously.  I love how they can go to Drama Level 10 without dragging it out the whole damn season.  And they manage to actually have fun.  

I cannot wait.

Greaat work. Great sentiment. You were already ungreyed. Should stay that way, yes.

Hell yeah girl! That is amazing!!! 

I. Love. It.

Shelter Cat Update!