
Wow what another brilliant design rip-off/mash-up. Let's see if we can figure where they stole them this round. I'll start, with credit to previous poster with same picture below. Please continue.

I like that he knows when to apologize, but still does not accept complacency. That's why I give him a lot of respect. And when it all boils down, right or wrong based on your own judgement and validation; he says and does what he thinks and feels to be right. Although sometimes brash, impetuous and crude in his words

Can it stream from NAS drive?

@jiveabillion: This is what I am waiting to see. Otherwise I will overlook it.

@Scott Willson: Does that include from local? I mean if I have it (LAN), and can view it (1080p 63" TV), then why not have the option? And if they only have 720p available from the cloud for rent/stream/download, then what would it matter?

@CleverName: God hates BP...or was it black people hate bushes? Or was it BP hates the Bushes...Black God hates Bush? I don't know, anyway somebody or something is hating or a hater.

All the more reason not to integrate third party apps/API's into OS systems. And Facebook??? I mean come on, even with all the privacy issues? I mean...come on.

I'm tired of hearing of "oversized bezels"; isn't it necessary to keep the palm from accidentally interacting with the touch screen. It happens on my Apple products more times then I'd like.

Here we go again. Where's all the "Drill, baby, drill!" ralliers. I vote they man the offshore rigs.

I like the fact it can connect to local and stream. I don't like 720p. It should have been switchable from 1080p for local content and available upon network bandwidth (similar to Hulu has). Biggest issue is not being able to connect thru USB to hard drive to manage media. That would have sold me. Although I can just

I am impartial and own both Mac and PC's, Apple and Google (Android). They have their pro's and con's, but I don't like tethering with companies who I don't like (AT&T). Although a new iPod touch would be great, I would rather have a 7-10" Android 2.2+ tablet. I like the greater freedom of control (upgrade/downgrade)


Meanwhile the porn industry sits and waits rubbing their hands, seeing as it has already registered "Facial"...

So if they buy a used russian jet in this black out zone and fly it then they win? Ummmm I'm sorry but this is just BS. It's not like we have the whole US covered and anything that flies in is untrackable. If they can track something coming from outside in, and blame it on wind turbines, then I vote we disband the

We are so screwed...stoopid gravity.

Where's the "The f**kers charged me $800 for 2 MOVIES I RETURNED TO THEM!?!?!?!" Option.

Hooray for Android Tablets...and on the fly app up/down-gradability.

I think that the size is perfect portability and functional. I want this way much more than the iPad.

"Karma Sutra: The Tale Ends" coming to an Xbox 360 and bedroom near you.

@designgeek: Don't bring my Aunt May into this. She didn't do anything to you. On a serious note though they could black out certain travel days.