That's an assumed risk they take for being a motorcycle rider. They don't put loud exhausts for safety, but to be noticed or to annoy people. I hope he patents this and it is used everywhere. Because it's not just bikes.
That's an assumed risk they take for being a motorcycle rider. They don't put loud exhausts for safety, but to be noticed or to annoy people. I hope he patents this and it is used everywhere. Because it's not just bikes.
Here's a brilliant idea, audits and controls to ensure this doesn't happen in the first place. Or just by an EV.
Higher bills, and now with more new dropped calls...for everyone!!! Hooray!!!
I hope this doesn't go through. I would recommend partnering with Sprint as the better option. Sprint handles the data side, TMO the voice side.
We're all screwed...thanks TMO.
I ended up with a $1200 phone bill because of the GV app. Everything I read was install, have data plan and good to go. I set up the app to "Always use for International calls" and it always said "You are connected to GV. Cost of this call is $0.05." Way to go Google. I promote your OS, use your products, and this is…
Specs AND pricing...
You can always use hemp like the Kestrel in place of CF for exterior. Batteries can be distributed through out the chassis. Also engines can weight hundreds of pounds as well. First gen Insight hybrid engine/drivetrain with Li-ion would balance weight and range. Keep in mind that the first gen insight uses extruded…
Seems like a steep price for something that has a very high risk of being dropped or stolen (Cell phones overall). Huawei S7 Slim is the tablet for me. Was going with Archos 70, but waited to see what came out of CES/MWC 2011. And I can flip the additional $500 saved into a Nexus One.
That's exactly why it makes sense. Linking specialized cities together can lead to idea sharing. Also commuting for work. People with higher salaries can live in lower COL cities and commute. Like linking a financial center with a technology center about 3 hours away (by current rail tracks and speed). The larger…
Statistically speaking those incidents are an anomaly. But let's say it does in fact happen, and they have a cell phone; how is that going to help/protect them? A frantic parent on the other line is just what they need to hear to keep calm. or maybe they could throw the phone at them. I take the scenario seriously,…
@ithyphallus, 13382: No...just confusion...or a lack of rioting fashion sense.
Well if it gets me laid...then I can care less. If it doesn't then I'm deleting my FB.
Nook Color would be perfect if it had a dock and HDMI out.
NookColor size and IPS screen
Sooooo...anything can be termed a "sport"? Crazy hipsters and their naming conventions....
@JimmyBanks: Here's a written contract. I'll give you a bagillion dollars. Learn contract torts before rehashing the equivalent of "old wive's tale" laws. Verbal contracts need certain stipulations to be binding.