
Yeah bad timing. Can I get a raincheck for Nov/Dec JetBlue?

Horrible idea, I haven't listened to FM for years bc it sucks. So I do not want to have my cell phone to have FM chipset in my cell phone for several reasons.

I just got the memo, am I too late? Man, running here...was...tough...phew

My take is that they are going to use this to make stronger cases for their portable device range (iPhone, iPod touch, laptops). Seems like the process of casting (to lower costs vs current alumibody manufacturing process) and higher impact durability for iPhone/iPod touch range (see articles on shatter proof glass,

I prefer test driving before making a full purchase. The majority of them end up being depreciable assets, so you better make sure it's what you want for the long term.

@csc3: If they have a promise ring, then it must be true.

"Sadly, all kidding aside, CNET (discoverer of this fine site), was unable to decipher how the site could confirm a user's virgin-dom,..."

The first time I used the London Metro; it took bit of trial and error about maybe 10 mins. And then I never had any problems understanding or navigating any other metro system I've used since.

I'm more interested in the tablets they demoed. Anyone else noticed that they put masking tape around the border? Looks to me to be the HP Tablet.

@MePerson: This is the only comment I need to see, and the only one that makes sense. Well played Mr. MePerson, well played.

"The Deep Horizon Disaster Spill! Now with 100% more OIL!"

@widmer: Yeah I figured bc it was only going to pertain to Brick and Mortar inventories and not the N1, but just wanted to make sure. HD2 would be perfect if it ran Froyo or WP7.

@The Anti-Fanboy: Yeah he's striking the people spending more time, effort and money on advertising to spin their fuck up than fixing it.

Wow, even God hates you guys...

@Annalee Newitz: I beg to differ, Lady GaGa sucks, these guys don't...

So I went to Sprint to check out the Evo 4G, pulled up Gizmodo and saw this post. Speedtest verified...this makes me very, very happy.

At what point does the saturation of marketing defeat the purpose of marketing? In fact I have become so anti-marketing, that companies that either do something entertaining or little marketing get my attention and dollar.

Does this include the N1?

This makes sense, like why am I stuck with the G1's My faves? I say Vanilla Roms for all and let the people add their bloatware. Or at the very least give us the option to do a clean uninstall.

"We find that offensive enough to give you a cauliflower ear, Right Barnaby?"