
Welcome to Web 3.0 finally, the visual web. Data aggregated for at a glance and viewing, the new content shift. You heard it here first.

Yeah that makes sense, stop incentivizing suicides and raise wages and guess what the outcome should be? In fact I would go a step further and have them contractually obligated that if they commit suicide then their immediate family would all become Foxconn workers; yeah that should do the trick.

@tombhamilton: That's a inspiring commentary. People don't realize that the little dietary changes go a long way in both fat reduction and healthy body. I am the same unfortunately, it took 4-6 months of intense dietary/ work out routines and supplements to gain some mass. Now I am content with less. On the plus side

@Killjoy: Yeah I remember hearing about this too, what did happen to all that FO cable?

@Killjoy: Seems like stewie agrees that cell phone conversations annoy more.

@RayKinStL: I would pay up to $300 outright, anymore and it'll just be on a watch list till the price drops. But I can't wait to see the effect this is going to have on the overpriced Android sets on Ebay.

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@Killjoy: I'm already sick of people listening to streams with out earphones, chatting away in public on speaker phone. You want video chat, then Skype.

@Segador: I agree. They handed it out mainly to beta-test the phone using people who can quickly debug, test functionality, etc. Secondly for the blog marketing, which seems to be doing really well.

@Scaramanga9: Actually with that I agree completely.

This would be better if it was better integrated with text messaging, and ported to Android.

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"And so begins my journey inwards: A JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF McGIRK."

@zeco: wat iz tek? i haz abakuss. i du liek GIZ tho.

The orginal Star Wars will always look so much better in my opinion, compared to the CGI laden ones. Tangible props on film look more realistic, because they are real. With all of the cost of model making and 3D sculpting, it seems like it would be cheaper to use them over CGI effects and rendering farms. ILM needs to

Yeah that FG Arrington made me lose any interest in this thing. That and the fact that I'd rather have a Camangi tablet anyway. Android apps, smaller foot print, more options (Wi-Fi (b/g), GPS , microSD reader, 2MP camera, .3MP webcam).

@izzy9985: I agree. Hopefully the Pixel Qi technology will make touchscreen phones more efficient. Like for dialing and texting using only monchrome and for everything else being able to switch to full color.