
"I think, therefore I am. I think too much, therefore I am not. I am not, therefore I am nothing. I am nothing, therefore I am dead. And if I am dead, then why am I still so goddamn lonely?"

Ah, I see that the Emmy's once again didn't disappoint being disappointing as hell. Oh well.

'Irrelevant old man yells incoherently about the good old days where the white man could be racist and sexist without repercussions'.

I don't think I've ever been this excited to have my heart broken over and over again. One of, if not the best shows I've ever seen. Beauty will redeem the world!

This is one of my favourite books of all time, and it always bugged me that there wasn't an on screen adaptation that really captured its atmosphere.

Please no.

Is Elementary any good? I never watched it, but I'm feeling more and more like dropping Sherlock and watching that instead.

I don't like being a negative Nancy, but that episode was dreadful. It felt more like a parody or fan fiction of Sherlock than an actual episode. I mean… Mycroft in a fat suit, a gang of feminist killers, Moriarty performing fellatio on a gun, Molly with a moustache… What the fuck?

Man, that was hard to watch. Seeing Jesse Hughes like this, just constantly looking down and on the verge of breaking down, that's rough. Stay strong and rock on, J. Devil.

Incredibly enchanting? It's horrible. An appropriate soundtrack for a James Bland movie, not a Bond movie.

Judging by that picture I'm guessing Minaj got tired of rapping about Anacondas and switched to wearing a peacock on her head instead. Popstars these days.

I just got to watch it but man… How this episode got a B+ is beyond me. Definitely the best episode of the season and one of the best of the entire series, it could've been a series finale so good. Daniel at the beach and standing in front of the prison, the dream sequence with Tawney, Chris and Trey being questioned…

Awesome song. The best thing is that you can improvise the hell out of those last 4 minutes as bass/guitar player. Just a smooth ass song.

Great episode. I'm a bit disappointed that the more philosophical, dreamlike aspects of the show seem to have been moved to the background for a more plot focused season, but this season does a great job with building up tension for all sorts confrontations. Everyone is slowly crumbling, getting angrier and things are

Damn, intense isn't usually the first word that comes to mind with Rectify, but this episode was intense as hell. Daniel being questioned by the sheriff and being a smartass is amazing too watch but also not a very clever move. I get the feeling he's getting more and more angry with the rest of the world, and that can

This looks awesome. Oooh yaah.

So, just to summarise…

I don't even want to cynical about this. He made some shitty, shitty movies the past few years and almost got his dog killed, but he's still making children happy by just appearing as Captain Jack Sparrow so who gives a fuck. This man is awesome.

God I am glad O'Neal got these bits about Grande. The snark is perfection.

When I was rewatching the show a few weeks back I actually had that same thought. Melvin just seemed so nervous and weird and a bit too sorry for never visiting Daniel even though he barely knew him, and he appeared kinda out of nowhere. But I can't see Rectify pulling a twist like that, so I think he's just an