
Great episode. However, I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but I feel like that weird, dreamlike atmosphere has been kind of missing this season so far, which is a shame. I know Daniel can only be in a constant state of wonder for so long but I miss the flashbacks to the death row and the beautiful shots in grass

Yeah I enjoyed the first few seasons and dry turd might be a bit of an exaggeration, but this season was a real drag and it really feels like the Emmy's include them every year just because it used to be fresh and pretty cool about half a decade ago. Same goes for Homeland.

Oops, didn't know that. I really doubt it'd get a nomination even if it was though.

So I'm going to state the obvious here, but fuck this fucking bullshit.

The love for Swift has always confused me. After giving this power hour a try though…


I have no idea what the fuck I just watched, but I loved it anyway.

Ugh, I hate not being able to watch this live and having to resort to shitty quality 'downloads' to watch it this early. Only for you, Rectify.

Hmmm, quite some Rectify promotion going on the past few days here.

This is amazing news and basically cosmic justice for this wonderful show. Can't wait for the third season to begin tomorrow and AVClub's coverage. I'm counting on an early review coming up soon!

Except he hasn't been making jokes like that for quite a while and apologized for those jokes several times. I doubt he's using charity to make up for jokes he made years ago, but I'm sure there must be a connection between them if you want to hate someone bad enough, even if it's a Youtuber who makes shitty,

Grrrr. He makes videos for a young target audience to which I do not belong to and is very clear about this and doesn't pretend he makes anything smart, gains quite some money and fame with it and uses this for charity very often and generally remained a very decent person.

This news displeases me. It might be time for another dinner party.

Not very impressed sadly, even though I adored season 1. It's watchable and enjoyable at times, but overall it's just kind of boring and trying too hard to be dark and edgy. The cinematography is pretty standard besides a few unrelated factory aerial shots, as if Lin tries to recreate Fukunaga's style but doesn't

Cool, I can't wait for more overblown, melodramatic slow motion shots, people being annoyingly sad and angry all the time and acting philosophical about it and extremely cliché portrayals of teenagers.

I haven't been able to watch the episode yet but I feel like it's safe to say the following things:

A minus? That minus will come back to bite you in the ass Mr Adams. Literally.

Oh Vince, that's the first time you made me laugh in your entire career. Stick to acting please.

I'm not sure if I can handle the amount of subtle sexiness with Hannibal and Du Maurier constantly onscreen together, but I'm definitely willing to give it a try.

(X&) Why?