
I'm going to use these moment of kindness and integrity as an anchor the upcoming years. Even Orange Julius can't take that away.

In all seriousness, this moment was absolutely beautiful. Can't think of many people more deserving of this medal than Diamond Joe. We're gonna miss this kind of class and kindness in the White House the upcoming years.

Anyone know a way to watch this? I'm not from the US and I can't seem to find it, though I'd love to watch this.

53 is way, way too young.

Huh, didn't even notice this until I read the review.

Well, that was about as gripping and beautiful a finale as I could've hoped for.

Unless he's pulling some kind of long con on The Don, Kanye can go fuck himself. No excuses.

Dumb. This is dumb.

Well, I needed to take a deep breath after this episode. It seemed to be all about coming clean by acknowledging the dirty, and it was a beautiful and painful as this show has ever been. From Daniel's therapy talk, to Teddy's joy at seeing Tawny with direction in her life and his confession to his dead, to getting to

Absolutely can't wait for this. This game shows all those shitty post-apocalyptic shows out there how it's done.

I've said it a few seasons back, but I'll say it again; This is without doubt one of the, if not the best show when it comes to the depiction of religion. I've never been a religious person myself, and even always leaned towards an anti-religious stance in life, but this show really opened and softened my mind towards

Took the words(?) right out of my mouth.

And there is the Rectify we all know and love. This season has been great, but I think many people thought it was missing some of the gravitas and depth of the previous seasons (I did at least), with things getting a little bit more mundane even though there was still plenty bubbling under the surface.

Hmmm I guess I'm in the minority when it comes to Chloe, I really enjoy her so far, and while she has her troubles and is a self-proclaimed cynic, she does seem to be a good, life-affirming influence on Daniel so far. Wonder if it'll stay that way.

Right wing supporters already 'protested' the current state of affairs in much more severe ways than their liberal counterparts are currently doing this year. Or did we already forget about the dude who went on a shooting spree in an abortion clinic, Dylan Roof and the right wing militia in Oregon?

Wish he'd have gotten that Nobel Prize. An inspiration for every aspiring songwriter and poet. 2016 is just fucking relentless.

That piece of music is one of my absolute favorites in an already sublime score. It played once before, in season 1 when Daniel walks into a bookstore and has a flashback to death row. A standout moment in the series for me, partly because of the music.

Man, Teddy's come a long way since season 1. Please don't break my heart and ruin all that progress in the last few episodes. Or maybe do, because it's the good kind of heartbreak.

"The more you want to be involved in my personal life, the more it makes me want to…drink or something". Preach it Ted.

I'm starting to feel like 2016 just decided to fuck with us all and make The Onion's news section the actual news section for a year and see how we'd react.