
"My life's been a circle of silicone boobs and degradation for as long as I can remember. I'm ready to wank it off."

That's pretty much my problem with this new teaser. It doesn't have the same mysterious atmosphere as the teases and trailers of the first season, it looks more like a poor imitation with the mystery stripped away. Farrell looks like he's tying to give his best Rust Cohle impression, which seemed a bit sad in a bad

Not to seem like I can see the future from up on my high horse, but this trailer gives me a very bad feeling about the second season, not liking it at all. Which is a shame because I loved the shit out of the first season despite the 'it's really just a standard procedural' backlash it got afterwards.

Well, this episode confirmed it; We're watching one of the best last seasons of any TV show ever. Just beautiful.

Here's hoping Her will be in the top 20. Such a wonderful movie that solidified Joaquin Phoenix as one of my favourite actors in the movie industry today.

It was only too adrupt if you haven't been paying attention this whole season. This finale was the perfect way to end the season.

The devil is in the details. Breaking Bad is very rewatchable not only because it's simply entertaining, but also full of irrelevant easter eggs, clever things like '737 down over ABQ' in the episode titles of season 2, Walt taking over traits of the people he killed, characters changing the colour pattern of their

Immediately went to Google after watching this episode to see if Saul wears that same ring throughout Breaking Bad.

Awesome game and interesting article. I'm not sure if I agree with the 'painfully obvious tropes that feel amateuristic' part though. If you dig a little deeper into the game, the newspaper articles that lie around and just the setting in general there are a lot of different explanations to come up with for what

Does it come with a breakup poke option?

So Mclusky and M83 are more important than Modest Mouse? Boo and hiss.

It's probably never going to happen, but it'd be pretty awesome if Holly Taylor would get some sort of recognition at the award shows for this season, she's a goddamn natural talent.

Goddamn that was beautiful. If the show keeps up this quality in the last 2 episodes it'll go down as one of the best finales of any show ever. Everyone on the show has gone rogue or is about to, Ava, Raylan, Boyd and Markham, and it's beautiful.

I'm torn. While the writing has definitely improved since season 4, it still keeps falling into the same annoying pitfalls. I mean, Gabriel not closing the gate like that and being the most hypocritical ass imaginable, Alexandria seemingly being filled with shitheads and incompetent fools yet not only surviving but

Man these artists really like congratulating themselves on something that stinks in every single way, don't they? It's pretty ironic they're using Radiohead's 'The National Anthem' when signing the thing yet Thom Yorke, who is pretty important and smart with these things, is absolutely nowhere to be seen. It's sad

This is going to be really bad, isn't it?

Ugh this show confuses me sometimes. I really like it but can't help but feel it's sometimes a bit too melodramatic, especially the first 20 minutes of this episode. The show kind of suffers in my opinion when Morton, Dan or Henry aren't completely at the center of things like they were in the first half of the

Can't ppl spent there money on like useful stuff lik bringing Zaynn back 2 OneD?!! #PayForZayn


The Bonesome Crouded Best?