
Next episode the waiter will come back and roast Boon's leg on a spit with a menacing grin.

Pharrell's reaction: "I hope they're Happy".

Pretty interesting article, although I doubt the Emmy's could ever be fixed.

Yum yum, good stuff.

*George RR Martin chuckles, pours himself a whiskey and continues with not writing any books*

Good, that's one ridiculous Emmy protegé gone. Now it's time for the rest.

Can't wait for the 8 minute tracking shot of that scene.

"Winter is coming. In about 6 more seasons. Please keep watching"

Other People's Lives is so underrated. Definitely my favorite closing track along with Styrofoam Boots. "Out of road, out of car, out of gas, out of everything at last". Just perfect.

Am I the only one who really loves Good News? Most people seem to regard it as the point where MM tumbled and 'sold out', and I just don't understand. It might not be as raw or primal as the preceding albums but it definitely matches their bleakness. It's an entire album about death, Brock's lyrics are as poetic and

Say what you want about this album, but 'God is an Indian and You're an Asshole' is the most Modest Mousey title I've ever seen.

You're tearing me apart Alex!

Fucking hell. A few weeks ago I commented saying I feared the show was venturing into Twin Peaks post Laura Palmer mystery territory already and quit watching it for a while. Seeing the great grades here made me pick it up again today, and I have no words. This show is weird, horrifying and claustrophobic as hell,

Strangers of Ourselves was pretty solid, definitely better and weirder than We Were Dead. Plus it has a song called 'God is an Indian and You're an Asshole', which is the most Modest Mouse title I've ever heard. So yep, pretty excited about this follow-up.

Absolutely love this observation, I'm surprised no one else has touched upon this. It gives the Mike-Jesse dynamic a completely new (and sad) layer, and explains much of his contempt for Walt. He probably saw himself and his son in Walt and Jesse.

Awesome band. I recently discovered them and listened to all their albums and there isn't a single song I dislike. Can't wait for this one either. Here's hoping they'll visit Europe some day so I can see them live.

And none of them will win an Oscar!

Hmmm. They missed pretty much every episode of Rectify. Oh well.

No problem! I've had several people here ask me if I was an old time poster who changed his name but not his avatar. Seems like I finally found who they meant. Needless to say your taste in avatars is impeccable.

I have semi high hopes for Hannibal and The Americans, but I'm afraid Rectify will forever be snubbed, which is a sadder thing than the show itself. Rectify is goddamn art.