
I'm pretty new here and don't post often, but I've heard that my avatar is almost identical to a certain cub? I guess we just have to same love for half-burnt pink teddy bears.

I'm late to the party, but is it me or was the only somewhat meaningful part of this episode almost blatantly ripped off from Band of Brothers? Because Rick's speech and Speirs' speech seem pretty damn similar to me, up until the zombies part.

Hopefully there'll be a lot of bare ass, they should have some experience with that by now.

Man I hate not being able to watch these episodes earlier, everyone has already said what needed to be said; Great episode.

Eh, this episode was alright. The pilot was great, but it's already beginning to feel like this show could go very wrong like Twin Peaks did after Laura Palmer's murder was solved. Hopefull the rest of the season will prove me wrong.

As a small update, I decided to listen to Keep It As a Secret on the train today considering I have a lot of albums to go through, and ended up listening solely to Bad Light for an hour until I arrived at my destination.

Aww, can't we just love them both? Spilling something out of nothing?

That is awesome. I discovered them very recently and I've basically been listening to Perfect from Now On for a week straight now, and have yet to listen to the rest of their stuff. Really cool I can add another album to that soon.

So this is basically one of the most awesome articles O'Neal has ever written, right? He just keeps upping the ante.

I guess you could say that was a very…cool episode.

The latest drinking game for Walking Dead promos:

Him and Aaron Abrams are being saved for their inevitable spinoff 'Zeller and Price going vice'.

Thankfully none of the male characters suffer or die much, otherwise that'd have to be pointed out in the other casting articles as well, and that'd be excruciating.

Fuck yeah, can't wait to see them on Friday. Really enjoyed their last album, despite the departure of Carlos D.

Oh man, the wait is going to be murder.

I feel like they could let a sheep bleat at the interviewer instead of Kirman and it'd have more interesting and intelligent things to say than Kirkman.

Man I can't wait for Boyhood to win all of their nominations, as expected.

Rumor is that Cameron needs an extra year to come up with a material that's named even smarter than 'Unobtainium'.

March 3?

Really liked this game. I've been a fan since they adapted The Walking Dead and topped both the comics and the show easily, and they did well again. It feels like every line of dialogue and choice could put an end to your house. Especially my ending was shocking and unexpected in true GoT fashion. I can really