
One of the best and most interesting bands of the last 15 years. Brock is a lyrical genius. Cannot wait for the next album and hopefully a chance to see them live.

Thank you so much. If there's anything refreshing and original then it's Rectify. Add to that fantastic acting, a huge emotional impact every single episode with just dialogue and stunning cinematography and soundtrack, and you have a number 1 show.

I like these videos so much more than I'm actually comfortable with. If that makes sense.

Great to hear about Dillahunt. He was such a creep in Deadwood, absolutely loved his character and performance.

Those holes are obviously subtle metaphors for the all the plot holes on the show.

Great list, especially 'A very depressed Dire Straits' and the last points:

Love this answer. When I started listening to Interpol I decided to give Joy Division a try as well, since both bands are always mentioned in one breath by reviewers and fans. I was surprised how much they're not alike. I didn't hear it anyway, and I never understood the criticism that Interpol is a ripoff band of Joy

Really enjoyed this album. Especially All the Rage Back Home, Breaker 1 and Tidal Wave stand out for me.

He seriously needs all the acting awards there are. His performance is so mesmerizing and soulful. I'm afraid I'm going to have to buy a lot of new tables the upcoming year.

Definitely. I always rewatch the episode a day or two after it aired and I usually like it even better, so I wonder if that'll be the case with season 2 as a whole too. Simply a magical, beautiful show. And beauty will redeem the world.

Wow. That's all I have to say about this episode really. What a tour de force. You know an episode is amazing when only the opening scene already gives you a lump in your throat. The cinematography when Daniel held his hand up in the sun…Stunning.

Great interview. All I have to say really is thank you Mr McKinnon for this stunning series and second season. Can't wait for the third one.

That's a shame, the dark atmosphere is exactly what drew me into this show and made it extraordinary for me. Darkness, yeah yeah.

You're elusive Michael. It's an underappreciated skill.

Fantastical. Definitely the best show on air right now and arguably one of the best shows of this decade. Unique and with the one of the bests casts I've ever seen. It's not all sad after all. ;)

Oh I learned not to pay any attention to the grading system at all. The fact that the latest episode of Teen Wolf got an A- and this episode only a B+ pretty much says enough about it. Rectify is TV that belongs amongst the best dramas of the last decade or even of all time, that's all I know.

This episode was so harrowing. It started out a little dull in my opinion, but halfway through things really kicked off. Absolutely loved every scene between Ted Jr and Tawny. Clemens was amazing, but Crawford was the MVP this episode for me. The way Ted started breaking throughout the episode and eventually snapped

Another amazing episode. Definitely my favorite episode of the season so far, but every time I think my favorite episode of the season just aired, the next episode comes and blows me away again.

Aden Young is such a revelation. As Daniel he can pull off strange, endearing, naive, smart, weird, insane, sad, dangerous and in this case menacing like almost no one else can. You have to be a fantastic actor with a fantastically written character to be two seasons in and feel like you understand and know the

This episode was great, especially those last few minutes. Probably the most tense scene in Rectify yet, you knew Daniel would lash out at some point and it was suspenseful as hell. The way that scene was shot and the soundtrack to it were brilliant, it really created a weird, tense atmosphere with an 'insane' climax.