
I think the reason Pelosi is still in charge is because she was the only person in the House who managed to whip up enough votes to pass AHCA. Unlike Boehner, Ryan or Mcconnell who are very good at obstructing but not at all good in actually making sure their whole party votes together to pass their horrific agenda.

Maybe the hackers have been forced to watch Entourage on loop again and again for years, forever stuck in the Schrodinger's box of whether Vince will do the movie or whether he will not and now they are taking that revenge on HBO, one critically acclaimed prestige show at a time.

I do wish they would have made the game less sadistic? Like it feels like they are trying to make us connect to Lara by making her go through these horrific things and after a bit it goes from horrifying to ridiculous.
And weirdly I think Uncharted series found a female protagonist who embodies badassery, sex appeal

What is it with American Justice system and rapists or wife murderers ? They get a big showy trial where the most sensible judgement seems to be that the asshole deserves to go to jail and yet in the end they always get off with a little slap in the wrist.

Besides unlike America where Obama had only 60% approval rating in the end, Obama had a 83% approval rating in France. So maybe his endorsement isn't a bad thing.

If Ossof can win in Gingrich's home turf, well then I would be very very optimistic about 2018 mid terms.

A.V. Club: The Star Wars prequels don’t deserve your hatred

Well I mean The Americans and Fargo and The Leftovers are still running.
But yeah it's amazing that we are getting all these shows at the same time this year. Makes me pity the summer and fall season since they will never be able to match this much quality.

Chuck is one of those characters who have been designed this way that we should hate him even though he is sometimes weirdly justified in his own way and even more so considering Jimmy does become Saul Goodman later. Of course it can also be that his constant mistrust and hate for his brother lead to the self

How can you do that? I have been trying and trying and I can't seem to find a way

Why the fuck has AV Club removed the commenting system? Don't they realize that the reason we click on those newswires is mainly to discuss the news with this community and write relevant Simpsons quotes?
Don't they realize that majority of people just read the headline and skip to comments section?
It's just a terrible

And this is why Dems lose so many elections while Republicans win so many.
Dems will not vote until they get the purest of the pure while the Republicans are ready to unite behind anything, even if that anything is Orange in Chief.

Is it me or has the coverage around Rex Tillerson become way more positive?
Like back when he was nominated he was seen as Putin's puppet but these days he is seen as one of the few sane ones in Trump's administration.

Has anyone been seeing Logan get really really positive reviews?

Maybe Bill Maher can invite Bannon too and Sessions and Miller too.

She's living a golddigger's worst nightmare right now. She was expecting Trump to die off soon and get his money instead now she is the First Lady of United States and will now constantly be in public's eye for the rest of her life.

Goddamn FX has this amazing record of airing new shows around February and they are usually fantastic. Last year OJ and this year Legion. Damn Damn.

Trump sacking Bannon might be the only time I would be be joyful to hear his catchphrase.
"You're Fired". Hopefully out of a cannon.

Isn't it weird that Melania as the First Lady has barely been present in public? Like isn't the First Lady supposed to raise awareness about social issues or attend fundraisers and all?

Basically Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare. Now that was a perfect mix of camp, horror and westerns.