
Nearly 20 year Duck fan here, and if you put a gun to my head, I probably couldn't tell you who is who of the nephews. Because -like you said- they are a single entity, and I haven't really needed to make that distinction.
But I like the idea that if they would have separate personalities, they definitely should

Yeah, but are the VCRs?

I haven't seen any list of what films will be featured on the show yet, but I'm hoping for "The Invisible Boy".

*Sees article title*

Hmm, hmm, hm. Hm- hm, hm hmm.


Man I JUST finished listening to this episode on 'The Projection Booth' podcast. This is unreal. I am SO gonna watch this film now.

You just don't know how to appreciate all those lumps!

Dang! I thought for sure for a moment that Steven and Peridot would fuse when they were struggling, and that they would get a more introspective talk once they were closer together. And then Peridot would finally get the message.

Birthday Present.
[cannot stop dancing, oh please help me stop dancing]

My new headcannon!

Soos had to eat his own hat for food during the apocalyse? What happened to his slice of infinite pizza?

The problem with having two friends become love interests in an animated show is that they drag it out until the very end. Because they don't think that they would be able to top the long awaited first kiss, and that actual relationship stuff would be boring.

Oh, god damnit! I just recived my blu-ray collection of the entire series(imported from the US). If this new collection is cheaper/gets better features, I'm gonna get pissed!

Am I the only one that thinks that Tad Strange might be Bill Cipher in disguise?

The only way I would accept that end result is if they are the pre-crisis moviegoing public.

Why aren't we funding this!?

As much as I love Mystery Incorporated, that show ended exactly where it needed to. Making another season would kinda ruin it for me…

Oh yeah, I forgot that there are four different Catalyst Comets of varying colours. Do we know if they are related to the different elemental forces of Adventure Time- Fire, Ice, Candy and Slime?

So is the liquid Terrigen-Crystals gonna be like a new natural element that keeps circulating around and creates new Inhumans forever? (Remember to take your Vitamin T, folks!)
Because if not, then a whole new race of superpowered humans isn't going to be a permanent problem, and that is what I want this show to set up