
'The Best is Yet to Come' is such a perfect choice to play during the credits to such an amazing game. Bonus points for Kojima to use the song yet again for Metal Gear 4, for when you return to Shadow Moses.
Such feels both times!

Was I the only one who misread the headline as "adds Arthur Darvill as Hawkgirl"?

I went and looked up Quake's powers on the Marvel wiki (haven't read anything about the character myself yet) and it states the following:

'Skye’s powers manifest and she starts an earthquake while mentally dismantling her gun, implying that she also has some kind of limited telekinesis.'

I remember watching this film on Blu-Ray not long ago. The special features also contained Robbie's second apperence- 'The Invisible Boy'.

Confirmed: The block of carbonite is actually a monolith. There will be a crossover comic with Han Solo, Machine Man and the "New Seed" from Jack Kirby's "2001: A Space Odyssey" comic adaptation.