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    There are lots of moments in the show where Bob is acting on like 3 different layers. I think his actions towards Howard are the most fascinating because they come from such a conflicted place. He is “pranking” Howard because he believes Howard’s gestures of kindness and empathy are a prank towards him, but he does

    He’s shown before that he can underestimate the evil others will do. Also since he was setting the trap so fast, maybe he hopes they will also get him on something else like the gun in his car and just running his background/history.

    Also we are committed to setting up the relevant players in BB. And Saul mentions Ignacio and Lalo in his first encounter with Walt/Jesse. 

    I don’t think Jimmy is doing it directly because of Chuck, Jimmy is doing it because Howard’s genuine effort to be kind to Jimmy does not compute with his current worldview.

    He’s always this methodical when it calls for it. Still fun as hell to watch though yes.

    The text that went across the bottom of the screen read “ACTOR PORTRAYAL BASED ON ACTUAL INCIDENTS OR FICTION.”
    Nice legal cover there, Saul.

    I honestly worriedly read the end of the opening scene with those glowing lights coming up behind her as being headlights. Upon rewatch I realized that couldn’t be the case because of the geography. But the implications of what I thought they might be suggesting would’ve been dark as hell.

    Kim has 2 parts: Fight for the underdog because it’s right, stubborn rebel who pushes it too far. Sometimes these parts work together, sometimes opposed.

    I read a couple things different in the episode than you:

    A commenter pointed it out. Also gotta give love to Jake the Dog.

    I thought of that Dean in that scene too. Howard is great, I think they even gave him humanizing moments in S1 or 2, something about him reflecting on how because of his father’s pressure he had to take over the firm, and then he stares off into the distance for a brief brilliant moment.

    He has all the reason he needs to believe the world is a cruel place. Mostly from Chuck and his past. The line from breaking bad that most excites me on future possibilities was him wondering who sent Walt and Jesse “Ignacio or Lalo?”

    Part of her rebellion towards injustice is her sense of right and wrong, part of it is her reveling in the excitement of rebelling. Jimmy appeals to the latter part.

    Yeah, I don’t think that’s true, Dad.

    She does. The opening alludes to an admirable intolerance to bad behavior that borders on excessive stubbornness. She pushes things too far but for her it is a sense of “justice”, for Jimmy it’s self preservation.

    I also think it’s an acknowledgement that there is part of her who loves him and part which can’t work with him at all. And she has to pick which part is in control.

    Donna you are completely on point with line in the review “They think they’re so much better than me. This’ll show ‘em!”. This is exactly why Jimmy’s stuff with Howard is so informative. For a bit it felt out of character for Jimmy to be cruel like he is to Howard, but it’s his response to an irreconcilable notion:

    She’s always liked the “sport” of the hustle, how it made her feel excited and empowered, and she’s also always liked standing up for the the little guy. Her interest in this plan is just an extension of that. 

    Bender and Jake the Dog, yay!

    Poor Howard.