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    AND Walt getting the jump on Gus involved a strategy so insanely convoluted that no clear headed person like Gus would consider it: “I will use an obscure flower to frame Gus for framing me with poisoning a kid so I can rig an explosive to the chair of a near quadriplegic who will pretend to be ratting to the DEA just

    Slower than Mike doing almost anything but brief bursts of violence. I never really realized this but Mike is basically if a badass turtle turned into a human..

    Can somebody explain why Gus was so hard on the kid about the cleaning? I got the impression he was trying to keep the kid there until he got the call for some reason, but I can’t figure out why.

    PLEASE don’t not post the contents of the previews in the discussions. Many of us avoid them. Thank you.

    Howard at first glance seems like a cliche douche. But very early on they established there was a real character under the artifice. It first really stuck out to me when he reflected about getting into HHM because of his father. That actor deserves way more credit than he is due. And honestly I know Jimmy is an

    Idk for me the actor who plays hank has looked the same for like 30 years.

    I’m guessing Saul is involved in some Lalo/Nacho gambit to take down somebody (probably gus). And when he’s brought to the desert he assumes it failed and so he passes the buck to them.

    Disagree about Hank. For better or worse that’s where he was when he started BB. To negate his flaws in the prequel is to negate the growth he does in BB.

    Lalo will good decent tacos, but mostly just something he likes. Gus’s chicken is going to be meticulously crafted down to the microgram of every herb and spice.

    It was maybe the most self-indulgent thing either BB or BCS has done. I’m not sure how I feel about it. Normally things like that are a bit more important. Yeah it is a metaphor for how a world of bugs will come out to devour sweetness or goodness or whatever, but IMO it’s a kinda broad point that doesn’t tie in as

    A consummate pro at leaning into eccentric or off-putting characteristics, Armisen commits to playing Karl as a dork who just happens to be a compulsive cannibal.’

    Rewatching the series almost 3 years later I forgot just how pissed I was they killed off Lewis. I still kinda am, that guy was so great, likable, and pragmatic. I don’t think he would’ve flown if he were that inept. It felt like something the writers chose to have happen than something that organically happened

    Lots of “jump to the future” shows will have characters inexplicably have never interacted between the end of the show and the future. It was nice to see this trope subverted and it totally fit Jared’s clingy personality.

    That moment was so heartwarming and unexpected, not gonna lie I teared up.

    3. I think it’s hugely possible that the last thing we see before BCS sinks up with BB is Nacho attempting to Kill Lalo with Saul involved. Quote from elsewhere:
    “Episode 8 of Season 2, called “Better Call Saul.” Jess and Walt abduct Saul and the lawyer is worried that this is the end for him. “No, it wasn’t me. It was

    I’m with Tony on this. The way they shot it, Chuck initially had his back to Jimmy but joined in with the singing. They both believe the sentiment “The Winner Takes It All”, they both have a bond and love each other. Chuck can care for Jimmy, but he doesn’t know how to care for him without pitying him. There are

    The lyrics to that song are too perfect:

    This is the best explanation I’ve encountered. Him realizing the insurance thing kinda set his brother’s suicide in motion was him realizing he was a bad person. And in that moment he chose to own his badness. It was him listening to his brother’s advice from the end of last season, stop it with the guilt routine. If

    On a show with so much going on under the surface I definitely agree there is something going on under the surface there. But I can’t figure out what it is.

    I’m still confused by the scene. If Jimmy had felt responsible for Chuck’s death the fact the insurance thing was really the major domino that sent Chuck to his demise should trouble him more, not make him happier. If it was Howard’s confession then I feel like his emotional shift should have happened sooner.