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    Opening song: “My echo, my shadow, and me”.

    Chuck did care. He just always wanted to be superior to Jimmy. Chuck wouldn’t have lost it after telling off Jimmy if Jimmy meant nothing to him. 

    They actually mention “burning down the house” as early as S3E1 when Chuck is talking to Jimmy while removing the tape from the walls. 

    Some final thoughts: *MASSIVE SPOILERS*

    I do too. I wish his moment would have lingered a bit more. Rufus does amazing seeming like there is so much going on underneath, but he always remained somewhat frustratingly mercurial, I wish in his last scene the would have let it drop even further. I’m torn, because in some ways it feels right that even in the

    Unfortunately 24 is a much better show by virtue of being more fun and Jack Bauer being a more compelling character.

    Jack Ryan, you can’t *shoots 27 soldiers just doing their job* just kill people without authoriz- *grenades 6 privately employed security people* -ation.

    I’m on the team of if it does take an entire 4 hour gaming session to read the intricate rules then it’s not really a good strategy board game.

    But in the episode even the babies realized you could have a discussion on the issues involved with trans people in physical competition.

    It’s funny in the show when the PC babies even understand there’s naunce I was shocked. I thought the show was saying that even people who you’d think of as PC babies won’t get upset when you want to have a discussion about trans issues as they relate to physical competitions. After seeing a few articles though I can

    I think a big issue with telling the story linearly is that if they did, a big part of the climax would have happened at episode 6. That whole group of hosts going to the gateway to the new eden definitely felt like the most climaxy thing of the season and having 4 episodes after that which didn’t have the same weight

    And his sled was the friends we made along the way.

    You didn’t see it when they entered the new Eden type place Tom from Myspace greeted them.

    After 75 episodes and many many years our true protagonist, Mail Room Robot, finally succeeded in his mission. Mail Room Robot was always working diligently, and while there have been many obstacles and there have been many setbacks, Mail Room Robot never once wavered in his conviction. In the end, all of his careful

    But the social norms aren’t evolving they are just growing more uptight. It’s not progress and we have no obligation to embrace it as such. Banishing people for not fitting in with the pc culture is dumb and a waste of our time in a world where there are bigger problems.

    Do NOT take away my mail robot hopes. Martha is fine, but she’s no mail robot.

    This is my favorite comment in a while. lol so true.

    You know what the reviewer is saying and honestly both ways make sense. Jenningses sounds weird too. It’s a bit more right, but I don’t consider it an “error”. 

    I have to say, 100% sincerely, few things make me happier than how your reviews and the American’s community at large have become invested in Mail Room Robot. Despite all the drama that little guy keeps chugging along and playing a crucial part in the ongoing espionage dynamics.

    In what country is this show on netflix as it airs?