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    Well "grossness" has been a motif this season (not that I'm a fan), and vulgar/gross are near synonyms so maybe there is something to that.

    It's perfect, because if you were lying you'd say something like "asshole telemarketer" but since you say "my mom" it's enough to throw people off the scent of what's really happening but still embarrassing enough that everybody will assume it's the truth.

    Why can't BCS do it on AMC?

    2 Things:
    1. Shows like game of Thrones and The Walking Dead have gotten me too numb to violence, this is a woman getting brutalized but when I see her and she looks more or less intact my first response is "that's it? she looks fine".
    2. Yep, the reviewer is getting it, this season is about the truth we perceive vs

    I think the new chief and the them he represents is the "antagonist theme" this season. There have been too many "nothing has meaning, everything is random" (which I disagree as being a tenant of Coen films) being pitched this season for it not to be the thing we we should be rooting against.

    It's worth noting there are 2 clear references to quantum physics in this episode. Both the explicit reference to it as it related to finding meaning by nursing home man but also the indirect reference via the discussion (from coincidentally met airplane man) about a wife being simultaneously divorced and married

    It's probably something dumb like UFOs again. (I HATED that in last season, it basically ruined the season for me because it destroyed all reality)

    Between what Nikki does and the urination montage in the pilot this show is being needlessly gross and I don't get why a show would be willfully unpleasant like that when it doesn't seem to add anything to the show. Maybe Noah has a gross sense of humor, idk.

    So do I have a crappy memory or have all the people who remember tons of details like this rewatched last season recently?

    Definitely noticed that too, but it wasn't a "Mike" so I think we're safe.

    Jeffery Donovan was stupider, his character wasn't that smart either.

    I like the show, but the music when lady chief was searching her own house was insufferable. And I don't care if that's a stylistic choice, if you make something willfully annoying to watch you are just being artsy fartsy and not making good television.

    Honestly it wasn't until I thought about your comment that I got to my idea that he doesn't actually believe himself to be superior. But if you really think about it if he was secure in his "superiority" he wouldn't constantly act in ways to try to prove that superiority. I will agree he's not in touch with his real

    Very good reading. It doesn't feel like sadness depression which was why it was hard for me to parse but I think you are pretty much on it. And after reading what you wrote I think I know what it is even more:

    Obviously we can say "a person is responsible for their own actions" but I think BB and BCS is about how the world we interact with shapes our actions. Todd from BB is a great example of a person who might have been entirely different if he was raised in a normal environment, but he wasn't and he became a monster and

    (thank you for taking the set-up) ;)

    Records being weirdly prescient is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. It can happen sometimes, but other times I'd much prefer just "this is something the character would listen to" than "GET IT THE RECORD IS PREDICTING THE FUTURE"

    Howard would totally do that. If you watch closely you can see they've been establishing Howard's true nature this whole time.

    You suck applause vs you did the right thing disapproval.

    Good catch.