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    Yeah, I don't know why it's such a common trope too. It plays as if the sex is an inevitability and it's not at all. They just said hi to each other.

    FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDGE OFF house of cards. I don't know if there's a thing that annoys me more in tv shows than what are supposed to be adults acting like weird dumb horndogs. Having sex IN THE PRESS BRIEFING ROOM.

    Brad Pitt with glasses needs to quit fucking around and start actually making those cuff-links, I feel so bad for shop runner guy. He's getting so stressed while Brad Pitt with Glasses just fucks around feeling self important and then eventually having sex with asian girl because apparently self-centered

    Weirdo German lady to German douche guy: "I put my faith in you to save the world from nuclear annihilation, now let's fuck because we are so self important that we literally put having sex with each other as more important than stopping the nuclear killing of millions, hopefully we'll have time to worry about that

    Frank aka glasses Brad Pitt is just the worst. Everybody around him bends over backwards to unfuck-up everything he fucks up and he doesn't show the least bit of gratitude. Nobody should like him but for some reason everybody is secretly in love with him.

    I really want to recommend this show to friends but after episodes like this I kinda can't.

    S5E4 Something about this isn't having the dramatic weight it should. Like I'm pretty sure they are talking about staging faux terror things to manipulate the election and it's very mustache twirly and not very "oh snap, is he really doing this"?

    S5E4 I'm so fucking sick of reporter/sex prop man, he somehow is the least direct person on the show while simultaneously acting like he's the most direct. Just fucking get the point, Riddler, don't write weird lines on the back of speeches

    Jimmy Fallon is everything wrong with comedy.

    I've applauded pretty much all other risks this show has taken, but this wasn't a risk, it was a dumb stunt that didn't fit with the pragmatic character of Lewis and it pisses me of TBQH.

    I assumed because Lewis was smart in how he did everything he wouldn't be careless here which means he had A LOT of simulator time. If that's the case then there is no way in a million years he would've crashed like that. It was a cheap stunt by a dumb writer, which is sad because the writing is usually so much better

    It's a testament to the writing up to that point, but the writing in that point was literally just the cheap shock value you'd expect out of an inferior show. It was a stupid waste of a great character.

    Too bad the nosedive didn't make sense at all and was just done for shock. It's not bold to just blow up your characters, it's bold to make your characters vulnerable to death if they do something dangerous. But Lewis was competent and had practiced a lot, he would not have nosedived like that in a million years. Hell

    Those options would make more sense, but nope they have to do something that doesn't make sense with the character or the logic of the show just for the fucking "shock" value of it.

    Even if this is the case which would be bold and dark, they shouldn't have had Lewis die for no damn reason like they did in this episode. The most calm and reasonable guy abruptly nose dived violently for no other reasons than the dumb writer wanted to kill Lewis and be "SHOCKING" and it was so horrible.

    they were wrong to kill him off, but your reasoning for not approving of it is dumb, IMO.

    This episode really really really really really really really pissed me off, and perhaps made me quit the show. I get the show is into "the harsh realities" but Lewis was a bright guy, that's why he was one of my favorite characters. Which means he wouldn't have flown until he was ready.

    So how long has it been since the outbreak? Months? A year?

    I hope Davis plays a recurring Zoidberg-esque part. That would be fun.

    Damn, this show went from what everybody thought was bad to such entertaining and engaging tv. It's tonally not like Breaking Bad or The Wire serious, but aside from it's tone being more Marvel-y I really can't imagine the show being much better. It is really good at being what it is.