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    None of the stuff I said comes from the EU. I haven't read or looked at the EU on Wedge, I just saw the OT and in the OT he does everything I said. He's an awesome character that happens to be really competent.

    The AVClub gives this show high grades until there is an episode that makes fun of uptight overly politically correct people like the AVClub, at which point the episode mysteriously gets a C+, a letter grade lower than they've ever gone on this show.

    I really liked this episode. This show is a lot better than most people give it credit for.

    She's been in there for like 20 minutes. This is far from "she's gonna die" territory.

    One thing this show is just damn good at is finding things that are just visually funny and staging scenes there. Both Tandy and Todd on the weird cutesy animal chairs and Tandy walking up to a flying plane this show is great at little visual gags that are just fundamentally funny.

    Geoff from the Late Late show

    I cry when I read clickhole

    To be fair, almost all the "fart jokes" is just somebody saying the word "fart"

    I'm nearly positive he started in comedy. Lots of comedians talk about knowing him, he might have been in improv? He hangs in those circles.

    It fit his character well. Trust me, I'm a fat nerd that January Jones likes to have sex with, and I know my movie nuances well.

    This episode is great in so many ways, starting with the title: "The Open Ended Nature of Unwitnessed Death" (One of Tandy's lyrics). I also appreciate the gag of Tandy getting a guitar out, strumming it once, and then remembering he can't play guitar so he just bangs on it.

    I like this show a lot, but I had a kinda big problem with this episode, the sabatoges felt very un-Carol. First of all, she's never been a good liar, so that she could see the ceiling art falling near her seems odd. Also the timing on that seems weird. She'd have to cut it enough that it would fall soon, but not

    Second season was probably the worst, for what it's worth.

    I wonder if they all know this and give him extra forgiveness because of it. Like he's more insufferable than they act, but they grade on a curve because they know he's struggling too.

    She scares me now

    Don't know why, but I laughed more at this episode than the previous ones this season. That "goodbye, billy" bit was hilarious. Also I love Lewis, he's like the perfect person, understanding but not dumb. I am legit scared they are going to kill him off which is remarkable to say about a sitcom.

    Phil’s absorbed Carol’s constant desire to do the right thing, and Carol’s absorbed Phil’s penchant for dramatic gestures,

    People do songs that are kinda wishful at funerals.

    I figured his plan was to grab it so they could make a dash for the van.

    Something about her in the "Tacky" music video kinda works for me.