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    The way they shot that I wondered if the creators hoped for that too considering they only needed a few seconds insert shot to pull it off. If they did want that, I wonder if it was problems with Cage or problems with the MCU repercussions of this easter egg cameo that stopped it. After all, we can't have Cage Ghost

    Coulson, still delivering lines that would sound ridiculous coming from the average man’s mouth: “I have zero geese. We are geese free.”

    Not when this last episode of the show’s first season of its second half-century is so tossed off.

    I love this show. It's just fun, and it's not as stupid as people act. It's like what people say about the Flash but not incredibly stupid like that show. (I could only make it through a few episodes of that)

    "but Hanks underplays the hero Sullenberger’s pissiness so as to induce non-stop giggles." Well said. That was my favorite bit of the night. Hanks gets that things like this are funniest not when one person is the clear jerk, but when a good person has a human moment where his vanity gets to his head. I also loved

    He was. That's a line from "Heart of Ice" the Batman TAS episode that reinvented Mr Freeze as this version. He says the line "I'd kill for that" in that episode which is a line that usually wasn't allowed.

    I loved "Thrawn's theme" you heard faintly in the background during the Hera's room scene. It was mostly pipe organs it sounded like. Really cool stuff.

    I feel like if anybody cameo'd it'd be Chopper because fans would get a kick out of it but non-fans wouldn't even notice or be distracted.

    I liked the seemingly meta-joke of "Sabine is the least recognizable of all of us."

    I hate hate HATE HATE HATED this episode. Wedge is one of my favorite characters in all movies and they totally did not understand him an messed him up. They turned him into "generic pilot kid" and that is NOT Wedge. Wedge has like 2 defining attributes:

    idk, that would be a more traditional thing, but Heidi hasn't been painted as perfect in all this, she's mostly been looking for somebody to kiss up to her. Their relationship seems more like they are pretending to like each other because they both validate each other, I have my doubts that in the end Heidi's

    Towlie, you're the worst character ever.

    It does if they chose somebody they think is bad but "less bad" than the other. Voting for the "less bad" still uses your vote to put somebody fairly bad into office, and those who abstain didn't. There could be somebody out there deserving of winning who a no vote could make room for in theory. Voting for "less bads"

    I think the agreed premise that we can't vote 3rd party because it's a waste is self-fulfilling. A throw away vote stops being a throw away vote once you stop believing it has to be. Worst case scenario you can pave the way for viability of future 3rd party people.

    Yes, but it's about HOW they rape special needs character by a shark with a 9 inch penis. Not all rapings of special needs characters by sharks with 9 inch penises are created equal.

    Damn, I think you are right. That's perfect.

    Do a 'member berry standalone episode!!! They need to. An entire episode in member-berry world or of their member-berry lives or history or culture or something. This would be amazing.

    I loved that guy's meek voice.

    'Member that Randy was a geologist?

    I don't think that the argument was really that it was that bad, and I don't think most people here think it was either. It's just a very good symbol of fondly received nostalgia. Think of it this way, can you think of a better example of the product of "'member berries"?