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    Considering we give grief for "bad reviews" it's only fair to really applaud this on point review of the episode. Complete with 0 references to he who must not be named. Good review. I agree, the charm of the member berries is so infectious, complete with fun little moments like "Do you remember where we're going?" "I

    Very good review, echoed a lot of my thoughts. I hate picking up shows and then abandoning them, but I think I might have to do that here. :/

    So I just started watching Ray Donovan and it is NOT an appropriate show for those kids to see or know about.

    Still around? Short of Mack dying I don't think that shotgun-axe is going anywhere.

    Most touching moment: When Daisy arrives at the warden’s office to help bust Coulson and May out, he’s so happy to see her. It was a small beat, but very affecting. Clark Gregg and Chloe Bennet play that relationship so damn well.

    I jest about Chopper being an Empire plant–kind of–but holy crap, Chopper kicking that other droid out of the shuttle was a dick move. It was meant to be funny but that actually soured me quite a bit, turning my annoyance to actual hatred of the character. If anyone on the Star Wars Rebels crew is reading this:

    One issue I have is that they say "these Rebels have a code, they don't kill" and it's a kids show so I'm kinda forgiving, but lots of their blasters blasts look fatal and they've definitely thrown troopers off really high ledges. Plus I think they've blown up a lot of troopers too, so I guess I don't get this. With

    I think that's a good way to put it. Like they are all still watching because they still get some entertainment out of it, but the popular thing is to hate it now so everybody is trying to show off how they are "above" it the most.

    1. If you wanted to just keep making lists why stop at 2 entries?
    2. Two entries is not good
    3. Three entries is best
    4. Let us fight about this forever

    It's not the crappiest show on tv. If you'd have said "most gimmicky drama" that I might have given you.

    1. We are all here because we care about the show to some extent, that's not ridiculous
    2. I have observed that generally AVClub reviewers are assigned based on their interest in a show. Which is why IMO this is a bad fit. That said I don't think either of us can or should act so definitive about the innerworkings of

    For some reason I think of the AVClub as the place to go for TV episode reviews and discussion. And even if I think the reviewer here is clearly a mismatch for this show, I still think there are a lot of good commenters who make it worth it.

    I've agreed with that the whole time (I allude to such in my first comment), I'm just not a fan of even the concept of high art, so that's what prompted what I said.

    No, but it's not like I've ever seen this French abstract art we are talking about, and generally I find abstract art to be bullshit, so who knows, TWD could be better.

    I know they do, but why not just go bitch about FTWD? That show is like trying hard to earn it.

    Because those are the only options?

    Honestly I was ok with them dragging it out because it was getting you on edge and tense. It didn't happen when you thought it would happen or how you thought it would happen. Had they done it in the first few seconds people wouldn't have had time to get in the headspace.

    I'm not saying one thing is better than the other, but I reject the premise that "all old as fuck art (particularly french or abstract) is intrinsically superior to any modern pulpy entertainment."

    1. What does it being a show have to do with anything?
    2. The reviewers aren't given shows they hate. It's one of the highest rated shows, presumably they could find somebody to review it that doesn't loathe it.
    3. Look at the comments section here, the blind bandwagony feelings are against the show, not for it.

    Considering that people seem to crap on it more I think it's a bar to start with.