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    I'm glad it's Mark because I thought it'd be Felix just for the shock value.

    Or he's actually amazingly portraying somebody who is bland as fuck, and when he plays Paul-2 you'll not even recognize him.

    I don't really think of this show as having "feminist themes". It's just a good show about characters.

    1. All the sisters got pretty chill with Helena and her previous murders of other sisters didn't they?
    2. I did really like the dancing, because each character had a dance that really captured their personality, that's like a good acting test, ask the actor "ok, you seem to understand the character, but how would they

    I don't think of them as the same person at all. The greatest compliment is how seamless it all is. The only time I really take time to be impressed is the times where they are clearly doing something to kinda show off, like one is hugging the other while pooring tea for a 3rd one and juggling with a 4th and 5th one.

    Maybe later we'll find out that Male-slany was just Rachel inventing this character. Though I think that even Rachel could pull off a more convincing beard. (I'm still assuming that in-universe that beard was fake)

    Alison referencing Dexter scares me, because it suggests that maybe the writers watch Dexter, and that is not a good show to take writing cues from.

    When Donnie says something like "smile" to take his incriminating picture of the cop and Vic, Vic actually does a gangster pose with his hands and face. This made me literally laugh out loud harder than a lot of comedies ever do. Such a great moment, I love Vic.

    Can somebody explain why Sarah and family feel safe back at that house? I thought they were hiding from both the institute and the weird cult. I also agree about the Helena thing, and how unfocused the show seems to be getting. Nobody seems to have much of a plan which makes me worried the show doesn't either.

    I also liked how they were setting it up for "everybody keeps shitting on Donnie until he loses it and shoots Leekie" but instead they kept his character consistent and just fucked up and shot Leekie, really doing a great job playing with our expectations.

    I always feel bad for Vic. Not horribly bad, but bad. That actor plays that character with just the right amount of unlikability that like he deserves to be punched once, but all the bad shit that keeps happening to him is such overkill that you feel for him but still laugh.

    I was deciding if I'd read these reviews and then got to this line

    A little bit. But like I said, it's not a huge deal on it's own, it's just annoying as part of a bigger AVClub trend.

    teach say i speak gud sumtims thx tho

    It was 3 words in an episode with a lot of other things (like member berries which got a scene and wasn't talked about in the review at all). Basically "Not every opportunity to talk about Trump is a good one."

    Lol thanks. If Dan ever wants to take a week off, I'm here.

    Ok, firstly, it was very cool that you responded. Even those I disagree with, if they bother to acknowledge those they disagree with, it reflects well on them so I definitely give you credit there.

    That's even more the point. Once a group has an excuse to be mad, they really don't care at all what happens to the excuse. Nobody actually cares about Heidi, she was just a means to get mad and play the victim.