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    *TSA = Team Stupid Assholes

    My bad. I just got done responding to somebody else who was actually being a legit jerk and so I was still in that head space.Totally my mistake.

    Team Stupid Assholes strikes again!

    Previews have given loads of stuff away, and I think it's clear who is being more "mental" here. I said people, myself included, don't like previews discussed in the episode discussion section. This is a discussion section for the episode, not the previews, the previews are not part of the episode, plenty of people

    There is no way this season ends as badass has Herschel's Farm ended though. And if this is Herschel's Farm then I'm still waiting for somebody to crush an egg on somebody else's head. That or the mexican equivalent of an egg.

    Hate watching can be kinda fun. You see something really really stupid and then you come here and go "can you believe how stupid that was" and everybody is like "I know, right?" and then we all come up with ways the show could easily be better or funny ways to insult characters like Johnny Derp, Everybody Hates Chris,

    The show is looking to earn the 'F' before it's TWD

    Every character in this show (but Strand, piano antics notwithstanding) has been in a competition to be the stupidest person still alive in the ZA, and I think Madison just won.

    "Motherloving" might be uncomfortably true. Seriously why is she THIS obsessed with only one of her children? I don't want to say there is something creepy going on, but I have no damn idea why she'd act like this towards 1 kid and not the other. Some parents can have "favorites" but they are never this completely

    To be fair, don't they all stand atop la colonia for their weekly "let's watch as we release a sick guy to be eaten alive" ritual? Wouldn't binoculars guy see any of those? Hell he should probably be able to see "the wall" from there, apparently he drives just a few blocks away from la colonia all the time.

    We know it's been between plot point X days and plot point Y days since this whole thing started happening. NOW DON'T YOU DARE DO MATH!

    When people were getting mad at Chris for nearly letting Madison die he should've just said "Do you see the stupid shit she does all the time?"

    If the mobster guy in that room would've just quickly turned and shot Madison in the head this show would've instantly redeemed itself entirely. She's a stranger rushing into a room with two people they are holding hostage. For all the guy knew she was their dear friend trying to do a horribly sloppy rescue attempt.

    Also those had to be some long ass fishing lines.

    When it comes to being stupid she was making up for lost time

    Breaking Bad had a lot of people making pretty smart decisions and it was exciting as hell, and there wasn't even a Zombie Apocalypse. You totally could have a show in a ZA with everybody making smart decisions and still have it totally tense and exciting and compelling, the show runners just have no faith in their

    Madison could crash a car without even driving it.

    She blames [plot convenient victim] for [event] because [reasons that don't make sense] which results in [manufactured drama]

    Like somebody said in a previous week's comment: "The writers don't have faith in their own show's premise." It's totally true. There should be plenty of drama to mine from this scenario, but by being horrible writers they've literally gotten to the point of us going "well we needed a character to do something

    Madison cares about Alicia less than Maggie cared about Beth. And she does so to her face.