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    That whole scene I kept thinking "Punch her in the face, punch her in the face, punch her in the face."

    *TSA = Team Stupid Assholes

    I disagree with 5 soo hard. Guy who knows stuff is immediately the most interesting character on a show of idiots.

    You might want to schedule an MRI of your head soon.

    Strand is fit tho

    Maybe banditos?

    Exactly. There should be rules against stuff like this.

    No, most reviewers have the sense not to do this.

    The way he told the story clearly the guy who wasn't a zombie but was in the horde with the zombies makes sense as the biter. Of course nobody in the show thinks of this

    Yeah, it should've been "You were responsible for so many of our family dying!" not "You were responsible for the one death that happened before you did anything!"

    It's a genius plan considering how shitty their intelligence has been up to this point

    Me and my non-fiction ladyfriend had the same thought

    My idea for a plan would be to lead them all up the stairs and off the edge of the roof

    I actually really liked this episode (as far as this show goes). I personally would spend the whole ZA coming up with plans to solve problems and then executing said plans. I wish most of the show was this. There is waaaaaaaay too much dicking around without a plan in this show for my liking. Planning is good, plans

    You are like the people who post spoilers for later episodes in the discussion section of the first episode of a netflix series. Not everybody watches tv like you and on your schedule. Most people understand this and are considerate, it's really not that hard. All you need to say is "my bad, I'll be more careful",

    The plot did not embiggen.

    AMC sets the budget the show runners decide what to do with it. Honestly IMO less zombies and less destroyed buildings should be cheaper to do.

    I want more Strand every week, except for last week, where they made him atypically reckless.

    Also, where are the non-wedding party survivors who are in the hotel and presumable would side with Team Stupid Assholes?

    Yeah that pissed me off too