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    While that is shitty BB and BCS managed to make amazing shows on AMC, good writing can do a lot. You can't tell me they couldn't make a much better show with the same budget.

    Isn't that exactly how they got out of it in "Shaun of the Dead"?

    Imagine this whole story told from the perspective of somebody in political office, as opposed to a family we don't give a fuck about.

    Just like 2 seconds into the episode:
    -When in the history of the show has somebody died and turned within 10 seconds? What did he die of? That would've been a shitty wedding anyway. Also if you are going for the shock value have the father bite the daughter's tongue off while giving mouth to mouth, that would be

    "My theory is they have an office pool, and, when they eventually get cancelled, the writer of the stupidest episode in the show takes the money."

    Killing innocent people while only thinking about yourself is apparently a family tradition.

    Michonne: "You never mentioned you had a sister."
    Rick: "Yeah, I don't like to talk about her because she's the dumbest bitch on the planet"

    I'll forgive Strand, because his stupidity seems out of character and maybe due to mourning. Madison is addicted to being stupid

    I thought about how I'd go to the roof and set up barricades that guided zombies off the edge so that the surviving ones would just keep coming back up and falling until they were all dead.

    I disagree, I'd love to see a show about smart people dealing with the zombies. I keep thinking about the tree villages I'd set up (I've never seen a walker climb a ladder) and weird traps of just head height spinning blades. And how the survivors could band together and like adults immediately start discussing rules

    How do you think I made it through SoA or Dexter? Watching the episode was just homework so I could read and understand the discussions.

    I like this "Suits" idea, but what if instead of studio executives they are doctors and they keep wanting to solve crimes and have sex with each other?

    I remember them on the boat looking at the city going to hell and wanted a character to say "gosh, that sure looks interesting. Yeah if there was a tv show about what was going on over there I'd loved to watch that"

    It also gives him an excuse to be more reckless than usual. Madison has no excuse.

    It's not a title it's advice for the main characters.

    There was plenty of room to wedge that candy in.

    1. That's nonsense. Lots of people avoid the previews, nowhere did people say "it's part of the episode" because it's not. The previews don't show up on DVDs as part of the episode, why? Because they know that they are not. They are promos made to convince people who are uncertain if they are going to watch. And the

    People communicate asynchronously on disqus, and nobody cares about your points.

    They pay with the only real commodity of value in this universe: Plot Armor.

    The one thing that can mess this up, and maybe I'm remembering wrong, but can you get infected from scratches in TWD universe?