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    Whinyman: "Hey man, I am not the help"
    Strand: "Clearly" *drops mic*
    Whinyman: *In the face of an apocalypse starts pouting rather than for the first time ever helping the guy who saved his family's life*
    Strand: (I forgot this person had the brain of a child) "I've upset you. Forgive me if I neglect certain niceties in

    But if you are trying to avoid television with stupid characters why are you thinking about watching Girls?

    To be fair, I forgot Seth existed too.

    It has different charms. It's far from the worst modern zombie movie out there. Hell that opening is like famously iconic.

    Noooo! Forgive me, Mr. President! I created Fear the Walking Dead to help the franchise not to destroy it!

    Maybe he even thought "some of these dumbasses might get themselves killed here, so let's let them go"

    Don't talk about previews plz, lots of us avoid them.

    Somehow Rectify manages to make much lower stakes more interesting. I wonder what FTWD would look like if it aired on Sundance.

    -"Everything's off…everywhere."
    -"Um… yeah, I noticed the zombies too, but I mean specifically there is something amiss here that would be prudent to pay attention to"

    Same can be said of pretty much everybody on this show. This show starts being fun/interesting when you start thinking of it as "following a group of idiots who are responsible for the outbreak becoming so much worse because of their actions"

    Maybe he realized how often they like to make shit decisions.

    I've started to watch this show not as "a show with characters you are supposed to care about" and more of a "documentary about stupid assholes and Strand"

    There really is no coming back for any of their characters after that. They played a keep part in getting 100s if not thousands killed in what can be described as "a shitty at best rescue plan"

    We don't much care for your kind… Strand
    What? Black people?
    No, smart people!

    "We know the plan is to spend most of the season at sea." Fuck you, reviewer. I didn't know that. Why would you spoil something like the expected arc of a season in the review of the premiere episode?!?

    I hate these characters so much (except for Strand) it's like they are all trying to find ways to fuck it up.

    C'mon, Person of Interest is not actually ended. They can still try and shop it to Netflix or wherever. It'll actually fit better there, outside of network. Also, we didn't see Reese's body, did we? He's clearly still alive.

    I'm sure they put the bag over her head and then took her to live in a happy farm.

    Fringe feel apart at the end of a particular season for me. PoI takes longer too really get going but it kept getting better and ended on a really high note.

    Great episode all around, loved the music. The piano stuff felt right for the end of Reese and the glitchy soundtrack felt right elsewhere, about my only complaint was that it wasn't really clear when the machine won. I'm not sure when that moment was supposed to hit us, I guess it was the machine leaving a phone