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    Just to be clear, why did they never remove the micro-chip in Shaw's brain? Was that only part of the simulations? I got the impression that the chip was how they were able to effectively do the simulations, but am I to understand the super convincing simulations came from the 3d glasses alone? Or that Shaw removed

    I like the humor they seemed to have about the simulations. "It took her another hour to kill you, lol" It does make me think about how if they are watching the whole thing how crowded the observation room gets during the sexy times part of the simulation:

    I saw it coming from almost the beginning just because I'm immediately suspicious of any show doing an episode around mind games, I immediately think "I bet this whole thing is a mind game" and 99% of the time I'm right. Anyway the biggest constant confirmation of this is that throughout the whole episode nobody says

    I'm sorry, I usually think this show is executed damn well (particularly as it has progressed), but god damn was Harold lazy/slow with powering up the machine. That machine getting power in the subway was the single most important thing in the history of the show and Harold was like "lolz whatever we have time to take

    They host the episodes officially and legally on their website starting like the next day, so you can always watch the end of the episodes there. But basically in the last 30 seconds it's implied that the girl might actually kinda like Cartman romantically.

    "Tonight was the first time that I noticed Stan’s Road Warrior poster had gotten switched out for a Fury Road poster. Nice touch."

    Did AV Club discontinue letter grades? I don't see them anywhere. I really hope not, because sure, the wrong grade was often criticized but that's not a good reason to just stop them.

    Right, and "place where perceived experiences aren't challenged" is more or less how they were characterized by South Park. IMO

    Ok fair is fair, I can see how it is kinda grandpa like to want all music to be played on piano.

    I do 'member!

    What complaints about melodies would make him a grandpa? In fact, what could you possibly mean by calling him grandpa aside from "you are out of touch with new things and you don't understand them as evidenced by you not liking them"?

    I find it hard to believe that people are attempting to bring pure hate to group discussions in such numbers that "safe spaces" are required, and furthermore I doubt that telling the truly hateful "this is a safe space" would do anything to stop them.

    Why? They aren't just doing it to see the movie they are doing it for the whole experience. It's fun to them, why is that stupid? I'd get on board with "ok, but it's silly" because it is, but really it doesn't hurt anybody and they get a kick out of it, so I would definitely not go so far as to condemn them or totally

    Triumph totally got insult comedy in a way most people don't, and somehow he came out looking nicer than most people as a result.

    Yeah because caring about things is so laughable.

    The Wet Bandits from Home Alone have a more memorable theme than any Marvel Movie superhero or villain. Let that sink in.

    Just because new stuff is consistently on average worse doesn't mean "you just don't like new stuff" is a valid counterpoint. New stuff doesn't get a free pass on quality assessment because it's new, nor does shittyness equal "a new genre you just don't appreciate".

    To be fair, it is often actually the children who are wrong.

    The hook brings you back. I ain't telling you no lie.