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    So my dyslexia had me briefly confused and shocked by that url.

    The best thing about that old gag was the ambulance driving like 3 feet into a tree directly in front of it.

    idk, personally it's just too easy to be cynical and bored when things don't constantly totally reinvent themselves and I personally try to just choose to appreciate it for what it is. Basically I know what you are saying but I try (mostly successfully) to shush that impatient cynical bored voice in my head, not


    Everybody knows it takes like half a season before it finds its voice!

    I love Michael Shannon, I love him in all the Jeff Nicols movies and I loved the android he played on Boardwalk Empire.

    No, she's number 2 on the list! (They got her name wrong though)

    I think the important thing is noting how he doesn't really ever try to make the right choice, he just tries to make himself feel less guilty about the choices he's made.

    Yeah, I know it's kinda missing the point to be an "actually guy" but after reading that line I wanted to come here and say "Actually it was established that it wouldn't have been statutory rape."

    Where did you find this out? I'd love to hear behind the scenes stuff about Bojack.

    Last Man on Earth is another "comedy" that is more impactful than a lot of dramas. That one at least is in the same conversation as Bojack.

    Yeah I didn't catch the toy house thing until you pointed it out, so good catch.

    The whole Defenders thing only works if they have someone to Avenge… wait

    Albert ain't half the boy Nate was, Albert wasn't even half the boy the top half of Nate was after Albert cut him in half with a machete.

    I'm curious to read these reviews, but am I niave in hoping these reviews won't spend inordinate amount of time talking about gender politics and instead cover the content of the episode? I hope not.

    More like:
    "Kilgrave isn't that great, he says he can control people's minds. So what? I'm way more convincing than him, I built a huge company all by myself and I did that by being convincing. He thinks he's convincing? Yeah right. He's never convinced me of anything. I've never heard of him convincing anybody of

    Killgrave is no Joker though, (and Tennant is definitely no Ledger). It's a shame because it's an interesting character but only a mediocre to "serviceable" level performance. With a better actor he could've been so much more haunting/unnerving. Right now he's just creepy because he's written that way, not that the

    Yep, throwing a head around, an obvious reference to Walt Disney's cryogenically frozen head.

    Why didn't JJ just kill Killgrave in the police station? We know that unless told otherwise the victims of him often remember being controlled, so she now has a police station full of cops who would back that this guy can do mind control, which would allow what's her face to get out of prison. That means all JJ would

    This was my favorite. It isn't that unrealistic unlike some other jokes. The "Local Freak" seemed like it was taking things too far, for example.