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    You aren't the first to call it "Blind Melon 'No Rain'" cover, but weren't Blind Melon the original artists of "No Rain"? So wouldn't this cover be "'the other artist' No Rain Cover"? This certainly wasn't the version of the song Blind Melon made famous,

    That selfie thing sucked too, it takes all the emotional weight out of something if even the kids are indifferent to life and death. If nothing matters to any character then the punch of the absurdity and bleakness is lost.

    How aware these characters are that they exist in a farcical universe is unclear and distracting. IMO

    I did not like how they handled the Annville explosion at all. It's not even the choice I had a problem with, but when you are doing something that "big" and shocking you damn well better stick the landing. For me I couldn't tell: 1. Over what kind of timeline that was happening. 2. Which characters we've known were

    That's a shite film

    Few things: For me Emily's behavior was just weird and kind of upsetting. I know it's a ridiculous show, but you need to stay grounded in some reality, so when one of the most grounded characters shrugs off vampires and then murders a decent guy for no good reason it hurts the foundation that the absurdity builds on.

    I like these reviews, Zack, keep up the good work.

    I think the audience was just so dead this time that everything felt worse than it was.

    Was it just me or was this the deadest crowd SNL has had in a loooooooooong time? I know the material was weak, but a normal crowd would've chuckled more throughout including the Chuck-e-Cheese thing (which got nothing even though I know a normal crowd would've gone for parts) and especially the Oprah thing. I bet

    I think that was the girl from before, the one in the hospital who got fixed up by the vet, so her finger was already severed.

    "I didn't plan on trying to kill myself via sprinkler that day…"

    This made me laugh a lot, it's a damn good point.

    She's fine, but to me she's always seemed like a very poor man's Claire Daines, never as crazy/emotional/brilliant as Carriie.

    Very well said, exactly right. There are even several shots of "I'm holding this gun in pre-suicide position" but it's true to his character that he wouldn't do it. He is an optimist in this horrible cynical (rainy as hell) world.

    It wasn't tense for me because I knew Pastor Mike would never hurt her. But that said I still enjoyed it for all the dialog, even though I could tell from a mile away how it would end.

    My favorite part was that we were left to infer why he made her drive to that parking garage, and I'm pretty sure it was to kill himself in the back of the car so that it would be turned into a crime scene and thus the cops would have to be confronted by the reality of the child homelessness problems the city has.

    "Check it, you've reached Holder's phone please drop a fling-flang spouting why you dailed, yo"
    "Hey, Holder, this is Bullet. The killer is Bob, just thought I'd give you a heads up. I'm going to hang out in this well lit public diner until you catch him, just to be safe. Ok, bye"

    Sarsgaard has been killing it (no pun intended) acting wise. He elevates all he is given, even a few clunky beats he makes work.

    I've only seen up to this episode, but there is no way it's pastor Mike. They had to do such forced contortions to even make the end of the episode pitch sound damning. Something about having the killer be a shepard for no damned reason. He is just innocent well meaning guy who gets in trouble like the other guy from

    His defense: "I ain't your daddy. How's it going, brotha?