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    Pro-tip for cops. When reviewing porn tapes with underage girls in them, do not do so with the monitors facing open windows to the hallway, hell, just in general maybe be a bit less cavalier with having everybody watch the videos.

    You aren't allowed to like this show, says the hivemind. I'm not huge for Enos but I like Kinnaman.

    I can't think of a way to justify including "nudges" or pandering from the writers that doesn't presume those with feminist sensibilities (or worse yet, women themselves) don't need to be coddled and treated differently than everybody else.

    I think the fact that you have limitations on what are and are not ok roles for X or Y minority group is evidence why casting directors might go "When in doubt, case a white person".

    Shh, you aren't supposed to quote the actual people who might be offended, remember, we speak for them.

    What's funny is that "It never occurred to me to be offended about X" has been true a lot of times in life, and then I see vitriol on the internet now I find myself not thinking "Am I offended by this" but "Should I be offended by this" and when we get offended out of desire to fulfill an expectation that really

    But Asians aren't painted this way, internet reactionaries are painted this way, some are white (I thought it showed restraint not making them all white for joke purposes), but Asians are not being insulted here, that is not target of the joke. People who get offended online are the target, and they are a group you

    Redeeming qualities: They are capable of being reasonable in the end and are mostly asian which means (contrary to an easy joke) that it isn't just people on the internet getting mad for no reason but some people actually have a personal emotional investment in that which they find offensive. They were treated about

    That was well executed. I don't think I've ever liked a character Sedaris has played, but I do think she has talent. But she (or the way she likes to emote facially) has always led to characters that I didn't care for.

    It's more that it can be pretentious and even condescending to speak for other cultures. Plus this uptightness really isn't helping anybody. I don't think it's "you can't care or have an opinion" more that "people do get too worked up over shit that they don't need to get worked up over".

    Tina Fey is trying to murder people now?

    Unless you are a casting director or something, in which case it wouldn't kill you to consider a wider variety of people. But otherwise you are totally right.

    Watch them save that for season 4 and negate all this arguing.

    Yes, but "ok this isn't a problem, but it reminds me of a problem" isn't the same as "this is a problem". What they do on this show isn't bad, that there are lack of roles for diverse people could be, but isn't a reason to get mad at this show.

    This whole time I've thought it's been "Unbreakable! They laughed at it!"

    Where does the show want to be treated with nuance? They have been consistently cartoony.

    Forgive me but… *restrains self from using caps* "Her character wouldn't make sense if played by a Native American!"

    Not that they necessarily nail the former, but yeah that is and should be their focus.

    Well said, and honestly I haven't seen the uptightness about tv/film actually help better the world much. Telling other people what they can't or shouldn't say makes a more divided world and not a more united one.

    I think they get it and think it's silly. When you tell jokes and people get mad at you for telling them, unless you legitimately think you were mistaken in telling them (like a Kramer situation) you should stand your ground and keep telling whatever jokes you think are funny. In a show where everybody is a