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    I don't think it was nearly as significant when he first named those worms. Also maybe they always had names from whatever scientists put them in the ISS?

    This is the bleakest comedy ever, and also really powerful tv. The Gordon subplot was smart but even smarter was making it ultimately irrelevant. And yeah, that final sequence got me too. We are lucky that a show this "out there" somehow gets to be on broadcast tv.

    “It’s a science hunch.” indeed. What a great episode.

    Coulson should just either say "Don't do (thing he wants him to do)" or say "Do this… it will help save Daisy!" for any given order.

    I couldn't get more than 3 episodes into flash and apparently that's the better of those 2 shows. This show started rough but it has turned into good tv.

    It's a special toxin that hive infects them with called "plot-conveniencoxin" that makes them unsusceptible to icers.

    No problem. I think people use the "First episode post Captain America: The Winter Solider" as a good milestone of when it enters its "quite good" tier.

    He was playing a guy who was fake which is why he did a great job.

    His character has always been great, it was really ballsy of a show to have a character who seemed like he was a bit fake "normal man" only to reveal like 18 episodes in that he was a double agent and so what seemed like "bad acting" was actually good acting at being "not quite right" as the good guy.

    This show has been pretty good since the end of last season. I enjoyed the season finale last season more that Age of Ultron I think. It's still not prestige television, but it's a show with a long running plot that actually advances at a good clip and it isn't super predictable unlike most shows.

    Archer like compulsively does it.

    "You heard it hear first."
    No we did not. I think we've been hearing that for a loooooooong time.

    Jesus Christ Marie?

    He's the MVP for at least 1/3rd of the episodes he's in.

    I can live with a B+ just because the weird way the 4 of them turned on Shield and each other so damn fast could've been handled better.

    lol. The rest of the show when we see him talking we just see all these random extravagant things behind him.

    Have they asked? I get the feeling that Patton is always a pretty good sport about such things.

    Honestly I thought it was fast spanish lady because that would justify them needing to send her up into space with her cross and blowing her up. And I feel like it being either of them would make sense as setup for a future moment when they conflictedly have to kill these long lived redshirts.

    I really enjoyed this episode. I want to give the reviewer a hard time for being too harsh on this episode, but really all the criticisms were totally fair. It's not that Alex is being too harsh now, it's that Alex gave that Bobbi/Hunter trainwreck of an episode a A- when it deserved a C-. But I promise I'll stop

    Maybe late 80's for the "common folk" but this is the FBI. They have all the super high tech equipment, and no equipment is more high tech than "Mail room robot"