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    Look, we aren't saying THEY (the talented people) sucked, just the tone mad tv was going for wasn't as clever as a lot of the cast.

    Just trying to imagine that with "Cloud Atlas" makes me laugh.
    Cloud Atlas!
    This one gay guy
    is reading a note
    About a sailor
    Tom Hanks tried to poison on a boat
    Because it's Cloud Atlas!
    Now it's the future
    But still it's the 1970s
    Something in a briefcase
    But hold up, there's four more stories!"

    So why did you "facepalm" when you agreed with what I said? She said "don't go" but was really wanting people to go and start e-fights with what they assume are all "ignorant rednecks". As if pre-hating/judging people on the internet ever accomplished anything.

    Oh, go facepalm yourself. Fact is if you don't want to stir the pot, don't draw attention to the thing you want people to ignore.

    Everything makes me miss Reggie…

    Well said. I like it when you can hear the sincere smile from the guests, PFT is like that a lot too. By the same token I generally don't like characters playing assholes I think that's Tim Heidecker's gimmick on the podcast and even if it's a bit, it's just not fun to hang around with people trying to be unpleasant.

    I think that comes from him not being drawn to "going big" like Keegan. He doesn't think of himself as a performer as much so his performance comes from a more calculated place and a less manic one.

    It was a great show. Sad to see it go but at the same time I could feel it losing a little steam as it went on so I'm glad they got to leave on their own terms. Some amazing comedy these guys did.

    Negrotown felt odd. I don't know exactly what the joke was.

    If you really want people to not do something just don't mention the thing. This seemed more like baiting antagonism.

    I'm surprised they didn't call them "the half-white Key and Peele" just so they could really get all racial hand wringing on this.

    It's almost entirely people looking for it.

    Personally I think we all could stand to be less uptight overall. The joke is that ridiculous names are ridiculous, there doesn't need to be a racial component to it. It's mostly the AVClub I'm upset with because they try to turn everything into a sexism/racism/homophobia thing and it gets so very tiresome.

    Yep, didn't realize until after that they were all real.

    Totally agree. I guess it's better than nothing, there still was a little humor there. Swordless Mimetown is a damn funny name, and that one was delivered straight. It's mostly keegan who likes to go "big" too much.

    If you watch carefully you'll notice the robot becoming more self aware as the show progresses, he starts out dancing and stuff, then he like half dances and gets disinterested, then right before the change he is looking at his own hand.

    Personally they have gone a bit too "big" with some of the characterization which I think hurts the humor. The joke is normal people with ridiculous names, when it's ridiculous people with ridiculous names it's kinda less funny.

    Dang, I thought I was the first person to notice this. I don't know if it makes me a huge nerd but I saw the first 8 digits and thought "that looks like an A to me, I bet these spell out something." I also ran into the DEFLAT broken thing on the bottom, even assuming maybe they missed a 0 I couldn't get it fixed so

    "As a fellow critic pointed out to me, there’s an uneasy element of racial joking going on here—the black Key and Peele building a phenomenally successful running sketch on the premise that, sometimes, black people are given unusual names. As a white guy who finds the sketch irresistibly funny, it’s worth noting."

    How does that relate to the outrage over this episode? Are you saying the F's come from people in the former camp who think this episode is boooring?