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    Shh, just let him have his moment. He needs this.

    I get the feeling they are doing this too. Which is smart. Hopefully it attracts more viewers to this show, because this show has been good since CA2:TWS

    Aside from the show making the container for black goo rock a broken refrigerator handle, I feel like Mack has been shown as both competent and likable. His character up until this point IMO has been "guy who likes to do the right thing, doesn't have a lot of patience for BS". So him getting put in charge made sense

    I thought ignoring people's cries for help was what superman was all about!

    What's wrong with "Feisty"? Maybe if she would've called her "Fiesta-y" that would've been offensive, but I see nothing wrong with "Feisty".

    Basically they edited it as if they blew it up really soon after Coulson killed Ward, but if it was anywhere near real time Coulson wouldn't even had time to get out so I just say "welp they did a misdirect edit that skipped about 1 minute of time, kinda lame, but whatever". Once you accept that it all adds up fine.

    POTUS Kevin Feige?

    Let's be fair, he hasn't been around consistently at all.

    Even though I disagree with some of your review, I do appreciate the spirit with which you reached out to the AoS fans here. Excelsior, indeed.

    Must be a SOA fan. Maybe that explains why he likes plotlines that make no sense.

    Too bad the premise of it was incredibly dumb. I was impressed with Mac's emotional acting though.

    Read my comments above, I go into detail.

    There is no good reason for them having to leave.

    They knew they had to write them out at some point. They probably looked at all their episodes and tried to find one that wasn't in the middle of a big arc so their departure wouldn't feel so out of place and then just forced them leaving plotline into the episode. This episode certainly had a feel of a forced

    I hated this episode a lot. I hate even more that the reviewer gave it a oddly high grade, but that's 90% of AVClub reviews: They like what you hate, and hate what you like.

    I meant that as part of the joke. The gay was about his character in skyfall but the hispanic was because Javier is Spanish and JDM isn't.

    I get that, and I'm not even really defending the show, I'm just shocked at the level of outrage. There are so many F grades.

    Negan was more threatening when he was gay and hispanic in Skyfall.

    He was literally killing the cameraman. Next season will be nothing but black screen.

    The biggest difference between TWD and prestige shows is writing quality. That said TWD can be a lot more fun than watching Mr Mopey Self Important Don Draper, even if that show is "prestige" because they get era appropriate lamps or whatever.