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    For some reason I got it in my head that people liked this episode before I watched it. So I watched it and was a bit underwhelmed. Not the worst episode (that for me goes to the arrow through the head episode), creepy guys were creepy, the hopelessness was interesting enough to watch so I was like "idk B-". Then I

    Wait, they've been changing white people? I thought it's been Jason Sudeikis this whole time.

    "I really wish Bill Hader was still around" is all you need. He was great in almost everything.

    That's her chosen personality, who are you to tell her to be different?

    Space Pants sounds funnier than it is.

    There isn't much humor there. I don't think it would've been offensive if there was a clever premise that integrated it. But I can't think of one myself.

    To be fair this gloryhole restaurant could also have been "Condemned by GLAAD and the EPA from Ghostbusters."

    I like Willie. Kenan can't do much well, but he can seem like a happy upbeat guy really really well. So it was smart to go "let's take his happy upbeatness and use it with tragic horrific lines".

    She's a charming enough person which helps make up for her shortcomings when it comes to sketch. But she does have some shortcomings.

    Moynihan even covered with a line about "what took you so long" or something.

    Because there was the MADtv buffer.

    I don't think it's sexism, I think it was more just that it is seen to be uncool to like young stars who started at Disney.

    I loved Kevin Roberts but a lot of people (fools) did not.

    I will. Normally I don't give up on shows but I do post comments as I go including pet peeves/problems.

    I'm exaggerating a bit for comedic effect, but I think moving Paige to more importance in the plot has a feel of a "Plan B" more than a "great idea for the show to explore that they were always thinking about".

    I don't remember how it started either, and yeah I can see a hero thing in him. Still, if his stoicism lead him to not make impulsive dumb choices he'd at least be more likable.

    It's plausible sure, but that ever guy falls for it is annoying. There is such a thing as self-control and I think the show could stand to show more characters with it.

    I think this is what happened:
    "Ok so season 2 was kind of about married life and how that's effected by spying, what should Season 3 be about"
    "How children are effected by spying! Spy kids!"
    "That's stupid!"
    *3 weeks pass*
    "Ok we still don't know what to do with Season 3, we are desperate now…"
    "Spy Kids!"
    "Fine, we'll do

    It's called being considerate, and it's one thing if it's not your style but it's another if you are dickish towards those who are.