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    I am deadly serious about my affinity for Mrs. Niedermeyer and her quest for a pasta maker.

    Noooooo! We lost the amazing Mrs Niedermeyer. She was one of my favorite characters because she was one of the few (if not only) completely background characters who got both a name (Mrs Niedermeyer) and a character arc (her quest for a pasta maker).

    The copyright on the birthday song has always been so ridiculous, when I heard it was finally taken down that was like the fall of the Berlin wall for me. I really hate copyright trolls.

    In case it wasn't clear I was satirizing the hyper-sensitivity. I said even your innocuous "not being comfortable with all manifestations of feminism" meant you were a bigot. This is not something I at all believe but something I feel society might be slipping towards. This is why at the end of the message I lamented

    You are supposed to be cheering for Strand and fat-acne if he ever comes back. You are right, everybody else is terrible.

    This show isn't about heroes but a small group of assholes and how they fucked it all up.

    Can somebody explain why we are supposed to like these characters when they got hundreds if not thousands of decent people killed just to "sneak into" the military base?

    I'm not your friend, guy!

    Cartman and Butters have such a great friendship. Cartman I think cares for Butters more than anybody else, which is still virtually not at all.

    Simpsons did it!

    Maggie Smith says it all the time on "Downton Abbey"

    Everybody is just waiting to go "Ok, but seriously now, who should really be president?"

    I still love "That's Scott, he's an asshole" and "We're looking for treasure"

    Hey, buddy, you better watch what you say aboot Canadians.

    With Miley Cyrus doing a cover of a Paul Simon song the thought briefly entered my mind of Paul Simon doing a cover version of a Miley Cyrus song, and if nothing else, that would've been interesting.

    I was never a huge fan of him on SNL but he is a really funny guy naturally and I always enjoy whenever he shows up on any podcasts.

    My few thoughts:
    1. I like this show, it's definitely got flaws, but it's playing with my expectations in interesting ways, and I am curious to see the military, honestly the military seems to be behaving competently enough that I'm curious how this all goes to shit, like they are almost being smart enough to fix this.

    You mean the thing for growing grapes that like 10 people already explained in this discussion?

    Yep, I very much agree. About the only point I'll give the reviewer is that it's odd that nobody in the riot notice the zombie eating the cop.

    I think so.