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    Hang on now, the kids in Jurassic Park we pretty decent. Otherwise I agree though. Kids are the worst. Except for acne fatty who I already miss.

    Maybe we'll get to a remote cabin in the desert and it will have a giant sign saying "The desert" and then they'll explain the name of the place is "The desert".

    2 things:
    1. Stop being a negative nancy
    2. They spent all their money to play the real "happy birthday" song.

    *Smashes a baseball cap with eggs in it on your head*

    This show is a lot better than "Little House on the Walking Dead" I'm reasonably happy with it, but I think the internet just needs to process things. Also it's interesting how in discussions post TWD episodes I hear a lot of negativity about the show, but in these discussions people keep acting like TWD is this

    *slight spoilers?*
    Tom Cruise doesn't dick around in that movie either. He's at that gas station or whatever and says "Bob, get in this car or you will die!" Bob is like "huh? Stop being silly" and then Tom Cruise drives off, Bob dying very soon after.

    Cop-out: They are all still in shock. They will have emotional moments like she did when washing her clothes, but they are all still haven't begun to emotionally process this.

    Can't tell if serious.

    I assumed he at least got some food in that backpack.

    It would have been cool. But few people have that kind of patience. I think I would've like it, but I think what they did was about as slow as they could get away with. I think it's still going to take it's time, I'd be shocked (and annoyed) if we are in "full outbreak" mode by the end of this season.

    Unless your kid is fatty acne.

    Haven't they said the word "flu shot" more than once in this show? That seems like a clue that that's where this thing might have started. People might have water for no reason, but I doubt writers would write the line of dialog about "flu shot" for no reason.

    Is it just me or have they mentioned "flu shot" a hell of a lot in these first two episodes? Is that were everybody got this thing? Some people speculate the disease was in the water, but I just felt like they mentioned "flu shot" multiple times for seemingly no reason. And in TV when something is brought up for

    There are a couple of decent youtube videos "The Walking Dead Theme Makes Anything Dramatic" and yeah, that theme really does help get the thing kicked off.

    I agree, I kinda assumed they at least put some in their bags.

    Theoretically they could have a lot of ramps or like a service elevator, but yes, very unlikely.

    Maybe the school is like in a hill so that what is the first floor on the loading dock side is the second floor elsewhere? </excuse>

    It would feel so much less natural to have a show about zombies where zombies were a thing in that universe.

    Yeah, I liked it a lot too. It also helped explain why the city becomes such a mess. Like yeah zombies aren't clean, but they don't like flip cars and stuff. But pre-full-outbreak rioters do.

    Are you talking about Fatty Acne? I definitely think he looks age appropriate. I'd be shocked if he's over 20, I don't know where you are getting this vibe from.