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    I didn't like season 1 nearly as much as everybody else. It was so manipulative and stingy with plot details. IMO everything was building towards this big conclusion and didn't do much of anything until it got there.

    Once again one of my favorite episodes gets low marks.

    Me and the reviewer are on different pages. Stakes don't always make television tension. Tell it to comic book movies that put the earth in jeopardy. You can't tell me they feel more intense than a good tight well written action. Basically you can't tell me "Die Hard 2 is better than Die Hard 1 because Die Hard 2

    I was really worried they'd use the homeless man as a murder cop-out, but they did not. This was one of my favorite "homeless man" characters.

    I don't think anybody thinks of them as literal ghosts, it's just a convenient name. Like how the father in Dexter is "ghost dad".


    It's almost like the liberty motif being tied into the killings is saying something about the law, and justice and america… it's almost like that.

    It was a bit too subtle for me too, Josh.

    Correction: He "bings" it. They made quite the point out of this.

    She is pretty terrible considering how devoted and hard working tom has been. Maybe it's saying something about how Tom let's women walk all over him?

    I loved how the Winstone/Joe fight played out, Winstone was weak but then as if declaring he was the man he had become, he held back the dagger on Joe. A emotional or weak person would have brought up the daughter thing, but Winstone did not, I've really enjoyed his character and his arc this season.

    Very important note about this episode:
    In this episode, Ted Danson says "Cheers"

    Maybe the opening episode is the big premiere of the movie but somebody is shot in the theatre!!! A real whodunnit,

    Rose Bryne woke up from that dream and gave a facial expression that was like "Even I thought that dream was stupid"

    ATTN: Patty
    Stop having stupid ass dreams.

    I agree with this review, for some reason this episode engaged me more than the one two episodes ago, but yeah, it had some major flaws.

    (In the most islandy typical accent ever)
    Welcome to foreign country land! Did you see our convincing island exterior backdrop? What about our areas that are lit very brightly so you know it's an island? How about a beutifal bead doorway things? Don't forget to keep your ears open to hear ambient water splashing noise!

    I really did not enjoy this episode. Who cares about the money guy's games? Tom's story is kinda interesting but it was slow, he just seemed like an idiot in his "what is a lawyer" talk and particularly the "divorced woman" was so damn on the nose I hated it. It was cartoonish to be frank.

    Agreed, the dream stuff was unnecessary and didn't accomplish much.

    Maybe they weren't too concerned because after all he is Martin "Short"