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    I actually really liked this episode. Interesting visuals and interesting writing. This episode got me really into this season. I care more about the tolbin's than ted danson and a hell of a lot more than william hurt. Also Patty has gotten a little less weird as a character, I felt like before her "act weirdly but

    I like the show a lot except for this narrative timeline conceit. Also I dislike how the future time versions of each character feel off, like if they played the future time things out in a middle of the season episode the viewers would be like "where did these characters come from?" but since we are spoon fed it in

    By far my favorite thing about this episode was that it is clearly established that the shootout took place 66 days ago and Velcoro talks about being "60 days sober". A very subtle way to imply that after that shootout Velcoro probably went on a week long bender.

    Speaking of dark humor that crept it's way into this episode, the way the cops killed the black police chief guy who was defending himself from the knife wielding attacker stuck out to me as darkly humorous that fits with the theme of corruption in this season. It's almost incidental that the guy had it coming, as far

    Everybody better hide their kneecaps.

    Gotta love puppets. It's hard for me not to find a sketch with puppets funny. But the whole premise was solid too.

    The Other Guys is one of the funniest movies of the past 10-15 years.

    I really liked the subtle point in the Neurotology sketch where first the guy is labeled "Now runs Neurotology" and the next labelfor him is "Billionaire"

    I'm surprised the Keaton Easter thing didn't get way more attention, it's the most I've laughed at SNL in long time. Keaton's performance is perfect and the background music sells the whole thing.

    I'm ok with table setting, but we didn't clear the previous table. There was a lot of momentum like that whole assassination thing was going somewhere. There was all this momentum that just kinda stopped. And that's what was troubling.

    Real quick aside: Is there something wrong with that baby? That baby's face just looked weird all season. I don't know how to describe it, but is that like a CGI baby face? Something about the baby looks too Brody-ish. And Brody doesn't really have a super youthful baby face.

    This finale answers all the important questions that fans have been asking all season.

    Homeland Writers:
    For season 5 of Homeland we are bringing back the excitement of season 1, with the thing everybody loved most…

    I was really on Quinn's side this episode. Carrie is pretty insufferable in how much she wants things to go her way. When she wants to keep pushing a job, then she won't let anybody stop her, but when she thinks a job is over, then she won't let anybody keep working.

    At long last it would seem like old Doofus T Dronepilot: (which again was just my collective name for the various somewhat aloof drone pilots that this season of Homeland had) he finally bit the bullet. I like to think Doofus briefly tried to drone strike his own embassy before his death but failed to do so because he

    Not too much to say about this episode. The only thing I thought was first: Why don't they secretly poison the prisoners in a way that won't kick in for 32 hours after the exchange or something?

    I am lost as to why everybody seems to want to have sex with Carrie? She's not that hot, and she's batshit crazy and not in a sexy way.

    We just need him to say "I'm just glad that Brody is finally dead, that was getting old." and it will be official.

    Well considering 90% or more of anybody's calls on this show are to Carrie they really just have to remember her number.

    They use AT&Terrorist as their service provider.