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    Really he would have been better off waiting at those rocks and just hiding there for like 30 hours until the special forces could actually get there. The terrorists weren't going to comb the entire desert for him. Him going to that town was a needless complication.

    Why happened with Lockhart? He went from a pain in the ass to the most likable guy around. He's just annoyed to live in a universe like this. He reminds me of George Mason from 24, who was so exhausted by Jack Bauer's shenanigans. Say what you will about Jack Bauer, but at least we didn't have to put up with him

    It could have been worse, everybody in her delusion could've been Brody. Like a Being John Malkovich moment with Brodys.

    Didn't seem like the bug was Chris, because the bug was making noise and got screen time.

    She's using the Guns of the Patriots.

    It's more about having fun with a show that you like despite it's flaws, and even finding fun in the flaws.

    It's worth noting that in the middle of this middle episode of this middle season we had Saul (the symbol of US good) and the terrorist leader (symbol of somewhat sympathetic terrorist) having an honest human debate. And more notably the terrorist name-drops the show. So did anybody else feel like this moment was

    I think they said he was 19 like once.

    All you need to sum up the problems with the Emmys:

    One thing that Duck has over Dana is that he is named "Duck".

    To be fair, Saul looked very at home in the role of "sleepy old grandpa in a wheelchair".

    Whenever Saul isn't onscreen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Saul"?

    When it comes to Carrie there is an old phrase that is very apt, (forgive the vulgarity):

    It was surprising, I like being surprised, but this season has pretty much been Aayan plot groundwork, so his death makes the first 6 episodes seem to be kinda a wash now.

    I really thought the exchange should've played out like this:

    The AVClub reviews are curved scales. Relative to the kind of stuff we've been getting this season this was an A.

    Theory is obviously bogus. Homer would have no way of accurately predicting news, popculture and technology in the time between his death coma week/death April 1-8th, 1993 and now.

    Once the pressure equalizes (which would be pretty fast thus all the initial suction) there stops being much suction at all towards the door, also the thing you are saying about the air being too thin applies at high elevations, they weren't that high because they did crash into the ground pretty fast.

    I'm only familiar with the Blacklist reviews, and to me they were fine. The show isn't that great of tv and so there's no huge harm in making some jokes about it. Nowhere did I get foaming hate or anything from him. Just "this show is silly and here are some reasons why".

    Stray thoughts S1 E16:
    (Posting here because there is no AVClub review for this episode)