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    Then why did she give him the happy dinner?

    It's just been a while since Ward has been in a well.

    I do find it funny that everybody talks about Fury as kind of a self centered ass on this show.

    How can I trust somebody who is keeping secrets from me? Coulson has gone too far!
    In the past did he keep secrets from you?
    Well yeah, but those times he had good reason to, this time I assume he is doing it because he is evil.

    I kinda watch this show knowing that there will be annoying flaws with the narrative. I'm not forgiving it, but like you said about motivations. It is a narratively messy show. Great point about Bobbi, when she said that I expected somebody to be like "oh wait, that's a good point, let's go after evil people"

    When is he going to sing the "lifeforms" song?

    Oh yeah, that's a good point, how the hell does Jemma know how to hack? Skye is supposed to be the best at that, then Fitz, then maybe what's his face should do it, he is the "engineer" after all.

    That plotline is so absurd when you really think about it.

    A person who can look exactly like the person you are into is a pretty good placeholder.

    But it's important that he let everybody know that he's not a normal commenter but a step above. He's got an identity that elevates him above everybody else.

    Are liquor stores selling ice-cream bars now, btw?

    Dairy was a bad choice.

    He's a Robot Ghost, actually.

    Anyway about the actual episode, I do agree for the most part with the review, even though I enjoyed Daredevil a lot and it's a better show that AoS, this shows breezy nature is nice sometimes. It's a pleasant world to visit each week. Also I made a note of the backpaker last week not thinking he'd actually become a

    I don't know if you help progress by making a big awkward point every time a woman or person of color is hired. People who constantly make a big point out of race and gender seem to not understand how it undercuts the "treat people equally" ideal.

    Marie: You got more magic seeds
    Hank: Jesus Christ Marie, they're magic beans!

    Also can we quickly talk how Joel McHale's initial steel drum line was clearly ADR'd?

    I don't know why but I really didn't care for this episode. Everything felt forced. If it was about the emotional neediness of the characters then why was all of that neediness played as parody of neediness?

    "It also awakens something inside Elden Henson that brings his Foggy Nelson to life. He’s grown more comfortable with the character over the course of the series, but his Foggy doesn’t really click until this episode"

    “Donde esta la biblioteca?” has become so overused to depict people with a very limited understanding of Spanish that it really pulls me out of the scene when Foggy says it to Mrs. Cardenas. Totally unnecessary line.