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    Sure, I'm not saying it was in any way overt, I'm just saying it's a good thing to tell yourself if you find the flashbacks a bit blunt. I can't know what the creators intended, but technically "memories" or not, I just think it's best to see those scenes from the perspective of how they inform Fisk.

    Maybe I was a little hard on the review but it's not like there was no nuance to the flashback, it's just relative to the show it wasn't as subtle as other things. It's not like the Dad had him beat up a puppy, he had him beat up a kid who beat him up.

    It's not that things like learning about his powers isn't something that we can expect, but the reviewer doesn't have to say what is going to happen AND when. Could have easily said "but as the show goes on we are likely to learn more about this".

    Yep, but also somehow one of the better tv review sites on the internet, so that's probably the bigger problem.

    Or just a super calm cooking video but then when it comes time to crack the eggs he breaks them in a car door?

    Fisk has a lot of Home Improvement projects.

    Am I the only one who finds the references to Avengers distracting? To me Daredevil happens in a more real universe than Avengers. I kinda just tell myself that it's a parallel universe with similar events but not the smirky downey jr, and hulk ragdolling loki version of events.

    Maybe the Chris Pratt dance thing would have felt just unbearable if the villain felt like a real character with a real emotional motivation. I agree he was totally not developed, I'm not sure they had any interest in developing though either.

    *Flips table*
    I was MY TURN to open my secret santa gift!!!

    Are you crazy? D'Onofrio is the best actor on this show, and you are going to put him lower than EVERYBODY? Even the guy who plays foggy?

    And again, this is events as Fisk thinks of them, not necessarily as they really happened. Lots of people remember the realities that are convenient for us. Fisk included.

    Urich's first drafts are always too melodramatic. :P

    I think, Long Shanks was responding to the AVClub reviewer and affirming the sentiment in the post he's seen as responding to.

    I said elsewhere in my long comment: I think there is no need to take the flashbacks as pure fact. What really happened back then is irrelevant, what's important is how Fisk remembers what happened and how that informs his judgement.

    I came to this review ready to see an "A", this was hands down the best episode of the series for me (so far), I'm baffled by the B-.

    She's one of those people who to me feels more famous than she is. She's fine on the show but I don't feel like she's a huge wasted talent on this show.

    Matt was being obtuse.

    I really liked this review and episode. You hit on all the points about the episode and it's strengths. I'm enjoying this show, it's well made tv with good acting (with the exception of foggy). I can't decide if I want a scenery chewing scene for Dinofrio or not, he's a deliberate person but you can take "unhinged

    I was quoting the reviewer, when there are comments sections for every episode go to the most recent episode you've seen to talk about the show, there is no reason to post episode 4 spoilers and discussion in the comments section of episode 1.

    Please don't say things like "that will happen in episode 7" in your reviews.